NEWTOWN, Montgomeryshire. -Believing that a brief sketch of a revival which has taken place here amongst the Baptists will be read with interest by your numerous subscribers, I beg to give a few particulars. On the first sabbath in July we celebrated the first anniversary of Mr David Evans's ministry amongst us and enjoyed a happy season. When he came from Swansea and undertook the charge, the cause was not in a. prosperous condition. The chapel will contain about fifteen hundred persons, but for some time had not been well attended. There was also a debt on the place of £400. In a few weeks a happy change was manifest, the congregations increased, and it was obvious that the spirit of God accompanied the faithful appeals of his servant. There have been received into the church during the twelve months one hundred and forty-four members, three-fourths of whom were young persons; one hundred and eight of these were by baptism, and among them was a Primitive Methodist preacher. But the energy and perseverance of our pastor did not stop here; he was preaching a free salvation, and he desired to have a free chapel; and so, excited by his example, we all fell to work in earnest, and l am happy in being able to say that on Lord's day, July 6, Mr E. announced from the pulpit that the whole debt of £400 was paid off! Let me also add, that the unanimity, concord, and brotherly love which prevails, is truly gratifying and delightful. May it ever continue, and God have all the glory!
"Baptist Reporter," August 1856
The chapel was put up for sale at the end of 2024.