Llandudno Baptist Church (1857)

You will be gratified to hear that, on Lord's-day, Dec, 20, nine young persons were baptized in the sea, at this place, and added to the church the same day. The Lord is gracious unto us, and owns us as his people. Unanimity, concord, and love reign among us. There are others before the church waiting for the privilege of putting on Christ by baptism, Let all the glory be given to God! 

"The Baptist Reporter," January 1858.

On Lord's- day, Jan. 17, after on address on the subject, Mr. H. Jones baptized five persons on a profession of their faith in Christ Jesus. The friends of the Redeemer will be glad to hear that the good cause is io a flourishing state among us. May the Lord continue to smile on us!

"The Baptist Reporter," February 1858.

It is difficult to judge a revival from such a short report, however the used words and the fact that our biggest revival ever began soon afterwards, leads me to think that a move of God was going on here.

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