Zion Baptist Chapel, Cefn Mawr (1856)

CEFN MAWR, Denbighshire.- After many anxious prayers offered at the throne of grace, the Lord has answered the supplications of his servants. With very great delight I now inform you that the Baptist church at this place, under the pastorship of Mr Ellis Evans for nearly forty years, is now becoming a fruitful tree, shooting forth branches that will, we trust, bear fruits of righteousness to the praise and glory of God. Sept. 14, seventeen were added to the church by baptism. One of these was a dear brother. And on last sabbath, Oct. 12, after a sermon preached by our pastor, Mr Robert Roberts, of Plasymona, immersed five males and seven females - three brothers of one family, and three sisters of another. The solemnity of the service, I need scarcely say, had a most impressive effect upon the congregation, though many were unable to witness it through the crowded state of the chapel. Others are looking forward, and we hope to inform you of many more before the present year expires. J. T. J.

As the friend who sent the above report only gave his initials, we were under the necessity of sending to the pastor of the church for his confirmation. In reply, our venerable friend says:-"The account on the other side is very correct, only he might have added, that our first baptism in this revival was administered on August 14, when four women were baptized on a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ; and also that most of the candidates were from our Sunday School, which is a circumstance that gives great encouragement unto the teachers in their labour of love.

"The Baptist Reporter," November 1856

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