1782 Llanwyddelan, Montgomeryshire. ‘About the year 1782, the Lord visited the region with a powerful revival. Public ungodliness withered before it, and the church was made a joyful mother of children. In this revival R. Lewis, and Thomas Jones, and others were called, who have been useful in a measure more or less throughout their lives. And though the enemy came in, and made a spoil of some, by despoiling them of their honour, yet many possessed a good profession, who were faithful unto death. There were various powerful revivals here after the one above, through some, in all surety, hundreds were saved, and the Methodists rose to an honourable form in this mountainous region.’ [MC ii. 395. NB goes on to mention the powerful ministry of RR Clynog when he came amongst them]
This information was kindly provided by Geraint Jones
Would you please contact us if you know where these meetings took place?