Renfrew (1874)

In reading the recounts of the good work in Newcastle, Edinburgh, etc, which appeared in THE CHRISTIAN week after week, I felt greatly stirred up, and the thought would rise up in my mind, Why should there not be the same work doing here that is going on there? After a time I began to read extracts from THE CHRISTIAN at our weekly prayer meeting: this was made the means, in God's hand, of quickening and stirring up many of the believers who were present.

But as fresh news of fresh victories won by Christ reached me, we felt that something must be done if the blessing was to be ours also, Our regular weekly prayer meeting was converted into a united special prayer meeting, to which believers of all
denominations were invited.

A few Christian friends came, but we had not that hearty cooperation which we desired, and which we believed needful in order to obtain the greater blessing. However, we determined that whether we were joined by others or not, we would continue to plead earnestly and believingly with God for a great blessing. Week after week our meeting for prayer continued - no formal or cold meeting, but meetings where Christian hearts were warmed, and where faith was strengthened. 

After seven or eight weeks of such meetings for prayer and praise, the answer came--an answer far exceeding even our

On the evening of Sabbath, April 19, not only was the attendance much larger than usual, but the attention and interest
 manifested by the people were very marked, At the close of the service an after meeting was announced, and an earnest pressing invitation given to any who were anxious about their souls, to remain behind. Thirteen men and women did so. Some of these were in very great distress of mind and eagerly desired the great Salvation. 

Several of those who remained behind seemed enabled to make a complete surrender of themselves to Christ. At a prayer meeting on the Wednesday following, three anxious souls remained behind to be spoken to. On Sabbath, April 19, a still larger number were present at the service and 20 anxious persons waited to the after meeting. Each week the interest has been increasing and the result more and more encouraging. Last Sabbath evening the attendance was so great that the place of meeting was unable to contain all who came.

Hearts have been made glad, our love intensified and our faith strengthened, at this time of gracious quickening. And well there may be. For eight years the writer of this laboured on amid much discouragement and opposition and scarcely ever seeing any marked result, so far as the salvation of souls is concerned; but now, after so long a sowing time, often in tears and always in weakness, a glorious reaping time has come. To God and to God alone we give all the glory and all the praise!

A good work is also doing in the town in connexion with a meeting held every Thursday evening in the town hall. It has been addressed by ministers and missionaries belonging chiefly to the Free and United Presbyterian churches. Some good results had been met with there also. I am unable to give details of the work as, owing to the great increase of the work in my own mission, I've had little time for anything else and I do not like to state as facts everything I am not thoroughly conversant with.

In conclusion, I would add that we have learned one or two lessons of late which we need to know, “God is and that he is the reward of all them that diligently seek him.” We always believed this but we do so now in a way very different from what we did before. We have learned to trust Him and He is honouring our faith by giving to us many souls. May all who read this do so too and God will bless them and through them bless others.

 "The Christian", May 21st, 1874.

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