We have lately been favoured with a revival of religion, of which the young in connexion with our schools have more especially been the subjects.
The Ker Street Sunday School has particularly been visited. For some time past the superintendents and senior teachers have been very earnest with their young charge, meeting such as were disposed to attend on a week evening for instruction, religious conversation and prayer. In connection with devotional services held in the school on May 2nd, symptoms of religious movement became manifest. Many of the children were in tears, and showing evident concern about their souls, and an invitation being given to such to retire into a separate room that they might be spoken to, many at once retired, and the room was filled with anxious souls, and Christian friends who prayed with them and directed them to “the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.” Other meetings of a similar character were held at intervals during three or four weeks, and many were led to accept of Jesus and trust in Him as their Saviour. The Rev. William Taylor, of California,
visited Devonport just at this juncture and held mission services for a week in the Mechanics' Hall, and the young people who had previously been prepared for revival services crowded into the inquiry rooms, and many obtained peace through believing. As a result, we have about fifty offering themselves for Church membership, whom we have placed under judicious and experienced persons, that they may be dealt with as their tender years and state of mind may require. About thirty persons, chiefly young, have lately been added to our Gloucester Street Society; and in the various congregations around, in the villages as well as in the towns; God is graciously reviving His work. We are encouraged to expect still greater things. The Lord hears and answers prayer; and our motto is- "Not unto us, O God, but unto Thy name be the glory, for Thou hast wrought all our works in us."
Superintendent of the Wesleyan Devonport Circuit
“The Christian,” July 8th, 1875.