The commencement of a widespread religious movement is now seen in this city. A united prayer meeting of Nonconformists has been held for several weeks with very encouraging preparatory results. Ministers and laymen of the various Nonconformist bodies have presided at these meetings, and a spirit of unity and religious fervour have been very marked.
The committee have now resolved on a step in advance, and it is proposed to hold simultaneous evangelistic services throughout the city in the week beginning of the week April 12. To accomplish this effectively five local committees have been appointed, consisting of prominent Nonconformists, to the final arrangements have been committed with a recommendation that if possible there be a general interchange of pulpits on Sunday, April 12.
"The Christian", March 26th, 1874.
This is now the Radisson Hotel, with only the facade of the Hall still standing. It was also the site of the Peterloo Massacre.