At Mousehole, the work was among another class; there, hardy sons of the ocean abound, whose burly frames, weather-beaten features, and sailor jackets, give a novel and interesting look to the congregations in the eyes of a Minister from inland stations. The place is rich in Methodist traditions, circling around such names as those of John and Michael Wright, Trewavas, and Carvosso. The first indication of good began with the year. In its earliest moments, at the close of the Watch-night, one whose spirit had long been in fetters found liberty. On the evening of the New Year's day so auspiciously commenced, heavenly fire fell in a meeting of Sabbath-school teachers, and many of them began to cry after God. The work rapidly spread, and numbers were saved. The zeal of the new converts was remarkable. The idea of concealing what God had done for them, entered none of their heads. Whole days were spent in going from house to house, telling all, without fear or exception, of the love of Jesus. Thus, in a short time, the work spread over the whole town.
From ‘The Life of the Rev Thomas Collins, by Samuel Coley, p296.
Location unknown.