Ebenezer Baptist Church, Walsall (1857)

WALSALL, Ebenezerr. -We are gratified to hear that the friends who left this place a few months ago to form a new interest under the former minister have returned and that the minister has found another sphere of labour, in a neighbouring town.

Mr C. Burrows, late of the Leicester College, is now the minister; and we have further pleasure in stating, that much success appears to be attending his efforts to do good in this populous and respectable town. Within the past few weeks, Mr B. has baptized and received eighteen believers, chiefly young men, and an equal number of candidates are now waiting to be admitted to baptism and fellowship. The prayer meetings are scenes of affecting anxiety for salvation; the Holy Spirit is evidently striving with many. A tea meeting, at which 250 sat down, was lately held when several animating revival addresses were delivered. May this good work be as permanent as it is hopeful!

"The Baptist Reporter," June 1857

Additional Information

I do not know on which of the four corners the church stood. The Baptists moved out in 1972.

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