Kingston Baptist Church (1857)

During the autumn of last year we invited Mr T. Medhurst, from the church under the pastoral care of Mr Spurgeon, to supply our pulpit, which invitation he accepted, and commenced his labours amongst us on Lord's-day, December 21. On the following Lord's-day, our young brother administered the ordinance of baptism for the first time. The sermon
was founded on the words of the preacher,v"I counsel thee to keep the king's commandment," after which nine females followed the example of their Saviour by being buried with him in baptism. The chapel was thronged in every part. Many found it good to be there. Ou the next sabbath they, with a baptized believer from Portsea, were received into the church. J .

"The Baptist Reporter," February 1857

 Our young minister, Mr Medhurst, had again the privilege of administering the ordinance of believers baptism on Lord's-day, January 25th, when three bretheren and four sisters publicly put on Christ and the presence of the Master was felt to be with us. It was a refreshing season of spiritual enjoyment. The word of the truth of the gospel has been much blessed amongst us. Next month we hope to baptize again, and others are seriously inquiring after the way of salvation. To God alone be glory! 

"The Baptist Reporter," March 1857

We had another very interesting baptismal service here on sabhath evening, Feb. 22, when Mr Medhurst, who has just received an invitation to remain among us for twelve months, publicly baptized six young persons, all of whom have been brought to Christ under his preaching; and on the 23rd, four more were baptized. The chapel was well attended at both services, and a good feeling appeared to prevail in the congregations. There were many "church people" at these services, and our young minister is evidently stirring up attention to the subject of religion in the town of Kingston. I trust he will prove to be a true disciple of his pastor, Mr C. H. Spurgeon, under whom be was converted, and by whom he has been sent forth to work for the Lord!

"The Baptist Reporter," April 1857

The favour of God continues with us. On Monday evening, March 30, Mr Medhurst baptised six believers in the Holy Redeemer; and on Wednesday evening, April 29, six more. Our congregations are so increased that we are compelled to enlarge our accommodations. We are subscribing for this purpose, and have already obtained about £80.

"The Baptist Reporter," June 1857

5 more were reported in July, six in September., six in October.

It is difficult to judge a revival from such a short report, however the used words and the fact that our biggest revival ever began soon afterwards, leads me to think that a move of God was going on here.

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