Croxton (1834)

"Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord" are not of unfrequent occurrence in different parts of the Connexion, when the influence of the Holy Spirit becomes so powerfully impressive as to effect considerable ingatherings to the fold of Christ. Several places in the Grantham circuit at various periods have been favoured with these gra­cious visitations, which have added much to the increase of numbers in society, and especially to deep and hallowing devotion. At the latter end of 1834, and at the commencement of the following year, several of the societies in the circuit were visited with copious showers from on high, which distilled upon them in the dew and rain of right­eousness. The society at Croxton was amongst the rest that shared in this beneficial influence. The members, from various causes, had been diminish­ing in number, until some were ready to fear that God had either forgotten to be gracious or that his mercies were about to utterly fail them. But this little hill of Zion, the Lord at length vouchsafed to visit, and which he caused abundantly to rejoice after all its depressions. Sinners were awakened, —formalists alarmed,—backsliders reclaimed,—be­lievers quickened,—and the glory of the Lord rested upon their tabernacle. Many were brought to a sense of pardoning mercy, and a few were enabled to claim the promise,—" the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." The society which consisted of thirty-five members, in this re­vival was more than doubled. The room, which had been rather too small to contain the usual con­gregation had it been as large again, would not have been sufficiently spacious to accommodate the people who now flocked to hear the word of recon­ciliation. How to proceed in this extremity they were at a loss to conjecture. There was but one al­ternative; which was to make their case known, in a respectful manner, to the noble proprietor of the village, in the hope that he might be favourably disposed towards them, and afford them the help which, in their straitened circumstances, they so anxiously desired. This was accordingly done. And after some deliberation, he politely tolerated their request, by allowing an enlargement of Mr Handley's house, in the addition of a spacious room, containing, by admeasurement within, thirty- four feet by twenty-one. All hands were now set to work, and every heart being cheered in the pros­pect of so speedily realising the consummation of their wishes, their industrious efforts completed the erection of their sanctuary in the space of about six weeks from its commencement. The exterior of the edifice is not exposed to public gaze; nor would a stranger, accidentally casting his eye towards the retired spot on which it stands behind, and in con­junction with, the dwelling-house of Mr. .H. sup­pose it to be a place of religious worship. The interior however possesses an air of peculiar neat­ness and has all the accommodation that is needful and desirable. Whilst led to review the circum­stances which have brought about the completion of this event, much credit is certainly due to all par­ties concerned therein; but to God be given all the glory. And now, Lord, "Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

From Thomas Cocking, 'The History of Wesleyan Methodism in Grantham and its Vicinity', page 249-251,(Grantham, 1836)

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