This is a monthly report by the Salvation Army station here.
Brother Jackson reports that some of the worst of our persecutors have been converted. They tried to upset him but the Lord has upset them and now they are working for God and souls. On Good Friday they began early in the morning; were at it all day. Had 9 souls on Easter Sunday, 12 on Easter Monday. A Tea. Good company. Cleared £2. Whole families are getting saved. One woman got saved herself and then brought four of her daughters. They have got one who used to be called the "devil with the angel's face," One man who said he would never be saved if he had to go to the penitent-form, went, got saved, and is recommending the penitent-form to all his friends as the most marvellous piece of timber he ever came in contact with.
From, 'The Salvationist', June 1879, page 168.
I do not know where the meetings took place.