Sheffield - Salvation Army (1878)

This is the first monthly report from the Salvation Army station here.

We commenced our campaign in Sheffield on February 17th, with glorious success. I preached three times, Miss Dunnage sang, the power of God came down-sixteen precious souls wept their way to Calvary. We had two grand open-air meetings led by Bro. Smith, the gipsy, and he preached in the Hall of Science on Monday night. Hundreds followed us in from the open-air every night during the week, and the power of God was present.

Our second Sunday was a greater success than the first. On Wednesday following, we commenced a noon-day open-air meeting in the Methodist New Connection Chapel yard. Some hundreds of people stopped to listen; one came the following night who received her first impressions there, and cried for mercy. ·

Our third Sunday was a day of power, God indeed came down, and made the place of His feet glorious. I preached in the morning from 'Behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb?" The afternoon, Bro. Smith preached from "Escape for thy life." Miss Dunnage sang, 'Where He leads I will follow." I preached in the evening from "Four one things." Miss Dunnage sang "Almost persuaded." Twenty-two souls cried for mercy; one dear lady was so filled with the power of God that she rose from her knees crying "He saves to the uttermost! " then went from seat to seat inviting sinners to come to Jesus. She laid hold of a grey-headed old backslider and shook his head in such a manner that he did not know what to do. Some churchmen said she ought to be laid hold of; Bro. Smith replied, "Friends, she has just come to her right mind."

From, 'The Christian Mission Magazine', April 1878, page 102.

On the Tuesday after Easter Mr Booth led the meeting in the Hail of Science, it was crowded with saints and sinners; at the close 20 wept their way to the Cross while we sang,

" I feel the glorious liberty, This moment I believe."

The power came down, and infidels trembled on their seats.

Wednesday night was again a precious time. Mr Booth again led the people right up to the top, where all is joy; he stayed with us a week,·and it was a week of great gladness and power.

On the following Sunday, we had the General Superintendant, who gave us a powerful address in the morning on holiness; preached in the afternoon and evening, and at the close we counted 44 precious souls who had sought salvation on that day.

On Monday Mr Booth led the meeting at the Hall of Science, the power of God again overshadowed us, and 17 souls came to the penitent form.

From, 'The Christian Mission Magazine', June 1878, page 165.

During the month just gone into eternity, we have had hard fighting, much power and great victory. Hallelujah! Easter week was a grand time. On Good Friday night we had a real Holy Ghost love feast. Our own people were in high spirits and in the prayer meeting afterwards souls were saved and believers sanctified.

Easter Sunday was a never to be forgotten day. We had with us John Daniels, known as the “Dudley Devil,“ and his mate, happy Sam Brookhouse, from Castleford. We made up our minds to have a grand field day, whatever kind of weather blew and a rough wintry day it was; the snow fell thick and fast; still, our people came up like brave soldiers, came up in strong forces and pushed on the battle to a most successful issue. At night a mighty smash! Such a one as I have not seen for years. The Holy Ghost came upon the meeting, carrying everything before it. Strong men fell to the ground as though dead. Of course, there were all kinds of things spoken about it. One said it was "disgraceful"; another, that I ought to be ashamed of myself to allow it &c.,&c. just as though I could help the Holy Ghost coming. However we found at the end of the meeting that thirteen had found the Lord, and some thirty sanctified. Hallelujah! On Easter Monday and Tuesday we had tea meetings, over three hundred partaking; hot gospel meetings each night when souls were saved and believers blessed.

On Sunday, May 4th, we had Major Corbridge with us, and a blessed day it was. The Major was very much pleased with the spiritual state of the Society, and, I judged, he was pleased with the big blessing he got to his own soul while he was preaching the Lord with power; and it went with much force to many sinners' hearts. The prayer meeting which followed was a mighty time. We had a long penitent-form full Three deep - some seeking pardon, others crying mightily to God for the blessing of entire sanctification and a great number received the blessing they sought. Just at the very height of the meeting we had to break up, as we have to be out of the hall at nine o'clock. We did not conclude, but simply adjourned the meeting until Monday night, when we finished it in great triumph feathers, flowers, pipes, twist, and other idols bemg given up for God. Our weekly Holiness meetings still keep up well, in fact, they get better and better. Men and women, who used to think very little about them, now take great interest in them, and would rather miss any meeting in the week than the Friday night Holiness meeting.  Our Saturday night Band meeting, too, has been greatly owned of God, not only in the quickening of our own members but those of other churches in the town. Numbers come to our meetings, when they have none of their own. Places are filled up, and people take the fire back with them and set others on fire. Hallelujah! During the month we have had many sign the Temperance Pledge. A number of our young men have a Pledge Book which they carry about with them, and by this means, they have induced many to sign, and a goodly number have afterwards been brought to Jesus.

The Branch Station on Langsett Road is doing well. During the month souls have been saved. Some young men belonging to a brass band have been converted. We are praying for the rest of the band, and thus we hope to have a Hallelujah Brass Band of the 32nd Sheffield Blood and Fire. Amen.

Brunswick Hall, Spittle Hill is still going on and likely to continue. During the month souls have been saved. Sunday, May 11th, was a good day. A few of our people went from the Central to help Sister Gower, who is not very well. They report good congregation, Holy Ghost powerful and three souls saved. May the rich flame take deeper hold of the people in that part of the town, and may we soon have to report that a mighty corps is in full work on this hill. Amen.

From, 'The Salvationist', June 1897, 150-1.

The 32nd is going ahead in spite of the devil and all our foes. Since you last heard anything from us we have had some very powerful meetings and some very lively times. We have had as many as 30 penitents down at once and shouts of praise have gone up to God’s throne and great blessings have come down, while we have shouted, “Victory through the blood of the lamb.“ Hallelujah!

On the 27th of October, the army advanced another stage, when we laid the foundation stone of a hall. The General gave a powerful address, which was well received.

From, 'The Salvationist', December 1879, page 323.

For future reports see, 'The War Cry' which began January 1880.

Sheffield I (there are a few stations in the town at this time)

All the town is on the move. On Sunday we had with us “Orange Harriet,” from Barnsley and the “Talking Machine.” Our soldiers are full of glory and all working for God. At night, 30 plunged into the fountain. Sinners of all sorts are at the mercy seat, some in jags, some in rags and some in satin gloves.

From, 'The War Cry', July 1882.

Additional Information

I do not know where in Rockingham Street the Hall was.

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