Tabernacle Baptist Church - Newbridge (1905)

After the impressive services held at Abercarn on Monday, Mr Sidney Evans, the missioner to Monmouthshire, with Mr Sam Jenkins, Miss Mary Roberts, sister of Evan Roberts, and Miss Watkins, Gorseinon, were due on Tuesday at Newbridge, the neighbouring village. The meetings at Abercarn were crowded, and the deepest fervour was manifested. An overflow service had to be held in the evening, and 14 conversions were reported.

The way had been prepared at Newbridge. During the past six weeks united prayer meetings have been conducted, and from 60 to 70 persons added to the churches. On Friday night some seven converts joined the band of workers. On Saturday night the crusade was carried on with great spirit and 23 were added to the number – some of them confessed that they had been ‘amongst the worst.’ Several touching cases are mentioned, one of the most pathetic being that of a young man who had found salvation, and desired to go to a revival meeting, but found that his mother had pawned his clothes. On Sunday evening at Newbridge, there were several converts at all the chapels, and several decided for Christ at the united meeting which was subsequently held.

On Tuesday the morning meeting was held at Y Deml Chapel, Newbridge, which was crowded. A prayer was offered for the ‘mothers of the district,’ which was followed by a pathetic rendering of ‘When mothers of Balem’ by the assembly. Supplications were offered for salvation from the gambling spirit and the drink evil, after which a woman in the area of the building tearfully requested, ‘Pray for the widows and orphans,’ in response to which numerous prayers were offered, which moved many to tears.

The Newbridge English Baptist Church was crowded in the afternoon. "Throw out the life line" brought the missioner to his foot. "Who is sinking?" he earnestly inquired. "Whoever they may be, he is our brother, and she is our sister." They wanted a baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was there—he felt it. He had surrendered all for Christ; if they surrendered everything for him they would get an outpouring of the spirit indeed, and if they found any influence in that meeting let them readily give way to it. Interrupting the speaker a young man stood up in the gallery, and prayed that conviction of sin should possess the meeting, and that salvation should be vouchsafed to all.

Miss Watkins reads a few passages from the Gospel on the ‘efficacy of prayer’ and by this time the meeting was full of fervour. A female voice under the gallery sang softly "Saviour, Thy work revive;” a male upstairs quickly started “I am coming, Lord," and a lady appeared for the salvation of souls. "Shall I put the meeting to a test?" asked the missioner. There were, he said, many there, who, he could see, were not happy; it was impossible for a man to be happy unless he had found Christ. "All who have found Christ as a Saviour, stand up,” requested the missioner. Many remained seated, and soon the friends were going around making personal appeals, and several converts were reported amidst the greatest rejoicing. Mr Sam Jenkins sang "Lord, I'm coming home,'' and Mr Evans joyfully announced that "many had determined to turn their faces to their Father's house." A most enthusiastic meeting concluded with public confession.

From, The South Wales Daily News', 3rd January 1905.

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