Featured Wells

St Peter's McCheyne Parish Church, Dundee

REPORT ON THE AFTERMATH OF MOODY MINISTRY BY THE PASTOR OF THIS CHURCH WITH much gratitude and thankfulness to our redeeming God, we are able to report that the good work still goes on silently and unostentatiously. The Spirit is among us, not so much as the rushing, mighty wind, bearing down with violence all obstacles; nor even so much, perhaps, as the 'floods upon the dry ground,' but rather as the gentle summer rain, or the silently falling dew, "that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men." Never was there less of everything approaching to excitement or extravagance; so much so, that outside observers, who are not coming into personal contact with inquirers and converts, can form no adequate idea of the depth and extent of the good that has been done. A minister in the east end reported the other day at a meeting of his presbytery, "We are in the midst of a gracious revival, without the very least excitement.' Many others could give similar testimony. Since our beloved brethren, Moody and Sankey left us, evangelistic services have been held, generally for a week at a time, in many of the churches. These meetings have been addressed by ministers and laymen, both from a distance and from the locality. The results in many instances have been most encouraging: and were it prudent to do so, many sheets might be filled with records of individual cases of conversion. Suffice it to say, that old sinners grown hoary in sin, together with young men and young women in the bloom of opening life, as well as little children have felt the sharp arrows of the King in their hearts and yielded to His sceptre. Most of the cases of anxiety exhibited a c … read more

Sanday Free Church -Orkneys

During the past week the revival movement has reached a remarkable crisis in the island of Sanday and as much interest is felt in the subject and many rumours are afloat, we give the following narrative compiled from information gathered on the spot. For some time past there's been a spirit of earnest enquiry in this island company, accompanied with an increase of prayer meetings in private dwellings. The free Church Minister, the Reverend. Matthew Armour, was the first to notice the matter publicly, which he did by intimating to his congregation on sabbath the seventh October, that on the following Sabbath afternoon they should "set themselves as a congregation to wait for the promise of the Father." Much anxiety was felt by his people during the wee … read more


  Our faith has been has been sorley tried for a long twelve months, but the answer has come all at once, as it were like "a rushing mighty wind." This wonderful work of thevgrace of God began in the parish of Dunlop, part of which I have the oversight as missionary. A little after the work commenced, I was for a week in the village of Dunlop assisting the ministers in their arduous toils. I could tell you many a wonderful sight to which I was a witness, that week, but as you have seen a good deal about it abroad I shall refrain and give you a short account of the work in our own immediate district. During the week I speak of, I made every effort to get as many of the people here, down to Dunlop, as I could, in order that they might catch … read more


IT is a somewhat delicate matter to give an account of such a movement as that which has been going on among us for some time. For obvious reasons, it is necessary to withhold many particulars that would probably possess the greatest interest for most readers; but I shall endeavour to state a few points that may serve to convey some idea of the gracious work with which God has been pleased to favour us. So far as I can judge, there seemed to be no special preparation in the way of increased spirituality up till a week or two before the movement commenced. Indeed it had been deliberately stated from the pulpit that the spiritual condition of the congregation had not for years been at a lower ebb. The prayer meetings had been dwindling down,  … read more


At the Free Synod of Moray last week most interesting reports of God's work were given in from many places. Among other ministers, Mr Mackintosh of Gartly addressed the meeting referring more particularly to the religious movement in Gartly. The parish of Gartly lay about fourteen miles along a narrow glen, between two ranges of hills. Going out of the hills at one end were two openings, the one to Kinnethmont and the other to Huntly and owing to this the work had been entirely confined to his own parish, which had a population of some 970 people. The work appeared in Marnoch, then at Drumblade, then at Rothiemay, then at Cornhill; the interest deepening all along. They had had special prayer on the week before the 5 … read more

St Giles and Bloomsbury Refuge for Homeless and Destitute Boys

This is the first account of RevivalI have found in London during this revival and the first dramatic account in England.   "For some time past several of the elder children had been under deep religious impressions. It was not however until Tuesday evening, the 20th of September, that the hidden fire burst forth into a flame. On that occasion an address was delivered by the Reverend J Graham, of Craven Chapel, who gave a deeply interesting account of the revival in the north of Ireland, from a visit to which he had recently returned. Apart from the touching details themselves, there seemed to be nothing remarkable in the style or substance of the address. It was in his usual warm and impressive manner, but only such as the children had frequently listened to at other times. And it was not till the speaker left that the Spirit's application of the spoken word was strikingly manifested. But then a scene occurred which none who were present can ever forget. The number of boys were nearly 100, that of the girls about 50, varying in ages from 6 to 16. With scarcely an exception, this juvenile congregation seemed then to be brought suddenly under overwhelming impressions of the guilt and danger as sinners and earnest appeals to God for mercy, mingled with loud and bitter sobbing, were heard through all the room. It was after 10 o'clock when the service was concluded, but for hours afterwards did this Bochim scene continue and some of the conscience stricken children never closed their eyes that night. Many however were brought to joy and peace in believing in a very short time and were able to retire to rest with a sweet assurance of having obtained peace with God and complete salvation through the blood of Christ. The remainder of the week was a season … read more

Port Glasgow

THE REV. Mr Paterson, Dunoon, made the following statement on Saturday at the prayer-meeting:—"Last night I was present at a meeting in Provost Birkmyre's store, Port Glasgow, where there would be about 2000 people present. I found Mr Fraser, of Gourock, addressing the meeting, and it was not long before 10 or 15 persons were struck down and carried out, just as I had seen in Ireland. The meeting was dismissed, but those who were anxious about their souls, forming a great part of the audience, remained behind. I addressed them again for some time, observing them to be eager to hear the Word of God and while speaking numbers were stricken down, in one place three, in another four and five, and so on. At the close of the meeting Mr Paterson made the following ad … read more

Tunstall - Salvation Army

A day or two after our opening here, a poor person said to an old man, “I can’t go in my clothes and I’ve only got my clogs“; but the old woman answered, “why, mum, you do not carry your heart in your clogs do you?“ No, thank God, it does not matter how you come to our Barracks, we love you as God loves you and look at your heart and not your clothes. Thousands have been in during the week, often packing the Theatre to excess and the Holy Ghost has shown many mighty works upon the hearts of the people who come, they tell us from miles around. The oldest Christian workers in the place look upon the conversions here and have to declare they never saw it on this wise before. God so shook the people on Tuesday night that we our … read more


An observation by a Stewarton minister. It has often been a matter of remark in Stewarton that, while religious revivals were frequently taking place of many of the towns of Ayrshire, we would have none of them here. This state of matters, however, is now at an end in Stewarton, and more especially in the village of Dunlop and its immediate vicinity. For some time past we have heard of religious awakenings in the latter place being of frequent occurrence, and in considerable numbers; and being anxious to see for ourselves how the revival prayer meetings were conducted in Dunlop, we went over on Monday night—a distance of two miles and we stayed there from 7:00 pm until midnight. Entering the Parish Church at the hour mentioned we found it filled in every part with a well-d … read more

William Booth first London Meeting - Quaker Burial Ground

SEEING that the "EAST LONDON EYANGELIST" will contain from time to time copious reports of the operations of this mission some sketch of its history will, we doubt not, interest our readers. Its 'origin was thus described in a report of the Mission issued twelve months ago: - In the month of August 1865, being about to leave London for Derby, on an evangelistic tour, I was requested to conduct a week's religious services in a tent erected in the Quaker's burial ground, Whitechapel: These meetings were largely attended, gracious lnfiuences were vouchsafed, many sinners were awakened, and a very general desire was expressed, by Chr … read more

Annan Free Church

The Dumfries Standard says:—The Revival spirit has during the week reached a degree of intensity altogether unparalleled. in the religious history of the burgh. For the accommodation of Mr Hammond, who occupies the most prominent position in the movement, meetings have been held every night, not merely in the United Presbyterian, but also in the Free Church, which is closely adjacent. The two churches have been densely filled by a crowd of anxious inquirers from half-past six o'clock in the evening until two o'clock in the morning. Amongst the young and the old, the rich and the poor, there are many who own to a change of heart and a desire to turn to Jesus. With tears in their eyes they have come to their ministers at these inquiry meetings and asked for advice in … read more


The fruit which this work of grace bore in 1871 is thus described by William Smith—I copy the following account from notes taken by him at the time. "This year, 1871, begins with a descent of the Holy Ghost upon the people of Findochty. The first was a stirring amongst God's people. In a very little next was a desire with the ungodly for the means of grace. many became anxious and by-and-bye got savingly converted to God. The Spirit wrought mightily, and many souls were saved. Night after night, the meetings were crowded; addresses were delivered, and prayers offered from many a heart that every soul in the village might receive the blessing. "The work got on favourably. After the meetings were dismissed from the church, the anxious met in private houses, and per … read more

Eyemouth Free Church

Within the last ten days we have been visited with a most remarkable Revival of religion amongst us. The Primitive Methodists have been most actively engaged in the work. At the close of the usual Sabbath evening sermons, it is customary to hold a short prayer meeting. This announcement having been made on Sabbath week (27th ult.), the congregation seemed unwilling to retire, and they remained during the after-meeting; visible impressions seemed to have been made. The truth burst upon the mind of one woman, as she sat in her seat; she had been in an anxious state previously, and could no longer contain her joy, as she then found peace in believing; but standing up in her pew, facing the people, she waved her handkerchief, exclaiming, "Glory to God! Jesus died for me!" The impress … read more


After the great Irish revival of 1857, the praying people of the village were stirred up to more believing prayer, and the dry bones began to move. The things of eternity became more felt; and among the first conversions was one so peculiarly careless that she described herself thus,  I ate, I drank, I slept, and never thought I had a soul; '' and week after week inquirers after the way of peace grew more numerous. Mr Grant thus describes the work in its remarkable progress: — Arndilly, Nov, 21, 1869. "My dearest M., — The last fortnight I was in Aberdeen, Montrose, Fyvie, and Laurencekirk. In a village opposite Montrose, called Ferryden, containing about twelve hundred inhabitants, a most wonderful work commenced. The whole population there seemed aroused. I … read more


CELLARDYKE has also, along with many other places in Scotland, been graciously visited with a shower of blessing. During the last week of 1873, a daily prayer meeting at noon was begun. This meeting was often very small at first, but it was persevered in for about five weeks, the interest, as well as the audience, gradually increasing. Some especially among the young, began to be manifested, a number of the Sabbath school children remained at the close of the meetings to be spoken to, and not a few professed to have found Christ. Many young women also became anxious about their souls, but up to the end of January last very few young men seemed to be interested. The meetings were now changed from the m … read more

Bride Street Congregational Church, London - D L Moody

"Moody was determined not to get into work, if he could help it ; but one day, at the close of the service in the Old Bailey prayer-meeting, the Rev. Theophilus Lessey, pastor of a church in the north of London, asked him to preach for him the next Sabbath. Mr. Moody consented. The morning service seemed very dead and cold. The people did not show much interest, and he felt that it had been a morning lost. But at the next service, which was at half-past six in the evening, it seemed, while he was preaching, as if the very atmosphere were charged with the Spirit of God. There came a hush upon all the people, and a quick response to his words, though he had not been much in prayer that day, and could not understand it. When he had finished preaching, he asked all who would like to bec … read more

The Old Music Hall, Newcastle - D L Moody

The following both reach us on the same day, with reference to God's wonderful work at Newcastle-on-Tyne. The former is by our brother Moorhouse, the latter by Rev. D. Lowe, Presbyterian minister, an old friend and fellow labourer of faithful and beloved Duncan Matheson. Beloved Brother, - Since last I wrote to you about the Lord's work here in the North of England, every day it has just been blessing after blessing, and mercy after mercy, for which we praise the Lord, who alone can save. Our brother Moody's meetings everywhere areas crowded as ever, and scores of souls seem to be sweetly resting upon the finished work of Christ. In fact, I have never seen anywhere a deeper work of grace  … read more

Glasgow Green

The magistrates having allowed the tent to remain on the Green during the month of July, the committee are making the most of their opportunity. They agreed to have at least four meetings every Sabbath -one at 9 A.M., for the homeless who sleep on the green sward or wander about the streets all night; another at 12:00 noon, for those who go to no place of worship, a third at 2:30 pm for the children; and lastly, the evening meeting at 6.30. The meetings at 9 and 12 are conducted by the young men from Ewing Place; the afternoon meeting by the directors of the Sabbath-School Union and Foundry Boys' Society; the evening meeting by a committee of east-end ministers. Breakfast Meeting in the Tent. In a friendly notice of the work in the Daily Mail suggested that a breakfast should be provided for those who might be induced to come to the morning meeting. The young men resolved to carry out the suggestion. We cannot expect those who have no breakfast, and what is worse, no prospect of getting any, to be very susceptible to gospel influences. Then our Master has told us to feed the hungry, and Himself had compassion on the multitudes who came to hear Him and supplied their temporal wants. It will interest you to know how the money was got. When it was resolved to go forward, one young man  offered to give £5 as a thank offering for much blessing received at this time. A gentleman interested in the work said, "If the young men do the work, I shall find the money. To make matters more complicated, a lady sent in 5s., a girl came with a sixpence rolled carefully in a piece of paper, the young men in one of our large warehouses sent in £2 9s and at one of the young converts' meetings a gentleman handed in a guinea,&nbs … read more

Old Welsh Chapel, Liverpool

JOSHUA AND MARY POOLE For the last eight weeks these two true friends of the masses have been labouring in the Old Welsh Chapel, in Beaufort-street, night after night drawing large numbers of the very lowest of the low to hear the gospel preached, and especially on the night when Joshaa put on the old coat, the place was rammed from top to bottom, the very aisles being crowded with people straining to catch every word spoken. Truly it may be said that " the gospel has been preached to the poor." Their past experience is a power and a gospel that low, sunken, fallen humanity understands. A gentleman said to Joshua, "How do you manage to reach this class of people, and get them to listen as they do?" He r … read more

Ystrad Railway station - Salvation Army

THE RHONDDA VALLEY. PERHAPS here we have had the most remarkably universal awakening to the things of eternity by a whole population that the Mission has as yet been privileged to see. The following from the Western Mail of March 4th was the first of a series of accounts contained in that paper. "RELIGIOUS REVIVAL IN THE RHONDDA VALLEY. "EXTRAORDINARY DEMONSTRAT!ONS. "THE 'SALVATION ARMY' AT WORK.  "The upper portion of the Rhondda Valley, that is the portion between Ystrad Railway Station and Blaenrhondda, is in a ferment in consequence of a remarkable religious revival which has taken place in all the chapels in the district. The public houses are almost totally abandoned, and nearly the whole of the population are seen_nightly crowding into the chapels to attend prayer meetings. And the religious enthusiasm which characterises those meetings is most extraordinary, reminding one of the great revivals which we have heard described by our fathers as having taken place in South Wales some 40 years ago. Some people are inclined no doubt to make merry over these enthusiastic religious gatherings, but it can be safely said that those so inclined have never attended one of the meetings. It is recorded that the great Rowland Hill once felt so  … read more


1600 met by the side of the Loch. At Skene, Rev. Robert Ireland and his people came seeking blessing in the open air on the edge of the Loch, and they were not disappointed. A meeting was afterwards held in the church. Stillness pervaded the assembly. A number of anxious ones, inquiring what they must do to be saved, betokened the presence and the power of the Lord. Many also went home rejoicing, making the woods resound with the voice of the old Scotch psalms From 'Recollections of Reginald Radcliffe,' by his wife.   Mr DUNCAN MATHISON said, I do not know perhaps one place in the county of Aberdeen where there are not living witnesses to the power of God's grace, and to the might of His Spirit. I might tell this meeting what I have seen in many places; I might sp … read more

Oldmeldrum - Reginald Radcliffe

The following testimony is by Dr R. McKilliam:—" I had graduated in 1858, and had just begun professional life in Old Meldrum, a small Aberdeenshire town, seventeen miles north of the Granite City, my birth-place. It was God’s blessing to me that, as a very young Christian, I was brought into a large circle of kind and devoted Christian friends. Personally, also I was prepared, through much suffering, to receive blessing by the removal of my mother, a very decided Christian, to whom I was greatly attached. I was humbled and tendered in conscience and cast more entirely upon the Lord when tidings of wonderful revival in various quarters began to reach and stir the hearts of many. We got together for prayer, and a spirit of great expectancy of coining blessing was given to u … read more

Newcastle - D L Moody

THE WORK OF GRACE IN NEWCASTLE. BY REV. D. LOWE. Many precious souls--we can hardly trust ourselves to say how many of various sects and positions in society have hopefully passed from darkness to light under our own eye. And if Weardale and Teesdale be included with Tyneside, we have no hesitation in saying that genuine conversions are to be numbered not by hundreds but by thousands. Many moreover, who, so far as themselves and others who knew them intimately could judge, were in possession of real spiritual life before this stream of special blessing began to flow, have risen to a much clearer view of their permanent safety in Christ than they ever previously enjoyed and have in consequence become happier, more zealous of good works and more useful. Several Christian workers too, ministers and ordinary members of the churches, who were free in the Spirit of their mind as individual believers, have lately enjoyed a freedom to work for the Lord and a delight in it of which they knew but little three months ago and which leads them into enterprises for the highest welfare of their fellow-men of their own or other churches, or it may be of no church at all, from which they would have previously shrunk and that, too, with a conscience tolerably easy. The latent talent of the various churches is being developed more and more fully day by day for the good of many within and beyond their walls, young and old. Regular church members know each other better and love each other more. Home mission work is prosecuted with increasing zeal and success. At this moment an unusual interest has been awakened in the spiritual welfare of the young, and many days will not elapse now, if the Lord will, before a special and united effort will b … read more

Keith - D L Moody

A lady to whom we have been indebted for several reports has sent the following:- Messrs. Moody and Sankey spent Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th and  29th  July, at  Keith. As both Mr Moody and Mr Sankey were greatly in need of rest, it was arranged that the meetings in which they took part should be held in the evenings, leaving the days free for them to enjoy the fresh air and fine scenery in the neighbourhood of Keith. On Tuesday the services were commenced by a prayer meeting in the United Pre … read more

Tiree Baptist Church

We are permitted to print the following extract from a letter:- How very much I wish you were with us in Tyree these blessed days! The like of this awakening was never seen in Tyree. I thought I would never see anything like Moody's meetings, but the meetings here are fully equal to them in proportion to the number of people. Fancy, on a busy harvest evening, Balmartin Chapel is filled at 5 o'clock, the hour of service being 7. In the meetings of inquirers there are from sixty to eighty who remain each night, anxious to be spoken to about their souls. Never home any night before 12. From 500 to 600 attend meetings every night. The doors and windows are left open, to let the people outside hear. The whole island is mo … read more

St Nicholas Church, Newcastle

(This is very interesting. The town had had an awakening through Moody only five years earlier, but I believe the Anglicans were not involved much. Clearly, this mission was inspired by what happened then. The anointing was not just carried by Aitken, but it seems to have been in several Anglican churches. My question is, was God hovering over the town all these five years, or was it two separate visitations?) For many months past prayer was offered up by the clergy and many Christian families of this town, for a blessing upon the mission to be held in their midst. Week by week the Lay and Clerical Committees appointed to carry out the work met, not only to make arrangements but to wait upon God. Now the mission is over, and truly we have seen "great and mighty things." Never before in the history of the town have such congregations been gathered together, such a spirit of religious inquiry awakened, or such numbers enabled to rejoice in God their Saviour. Night after night the grand old parish church of St. Nicholas, which holds from 2,000 to 3,000, was crowded with men and women listening to the Gospel preached by the Rev. W. Hay Aitken, hundreds staying for the after-meetings to be spoken to individually about their souls. Every afternoon during the past fortnight Mr Aitken preached to business men in the same place, and it was marvellous to see merchants leaving their offices at the busiest time of the day, and crowding the church to listen to the practical discourses of the preacher, who at their close stated that these had been the most interesting services of his life. At Jesmond Church--the suburban and fashionable church of the town - the Ven. Archdeacon Prest conducted the services the first wee … read more


BY THE REV. ALEX. GREGORY, M.A., ANSTRUTHER. CELLARDYKE is a fishing town of about 1800 inhabitants, situated in the county of Fife, and parish of Kilrenny, on the northern shores of the Firth of Forth. It is occupied by a superior class of fishermen, who are distinguished for courage and enterprise in the prosecution of their arduous calling, and who have supplied the merchant navy with not a few skilful and successful seamen. They are in the main a church-going people. There is no church in Cel­lardyke itself; the bulk of the population worship in the parish church of Kilrenny, about a mile distant; the rest in the various churches in the adjoining town of East Anstruther, chiefly in the Free Church. As they have enjoyed the benefit for many years of a large and well-taught Sabbath … read more

Seaham Harbour - Salvation Army

This is the first report from the monthly Salvation Army Magazine. ONLY six miles from Sunderland, where our mighty host of blood-washed warriors are eager to rush upon the foe, this little town seemed to offer us a ready prey, and the brief extracts from reports to hand will show how well our expectations of an easy and complete capture have been realised. "You could not have opened a better place for the Mission work. It is a grand place; plenty of sin and ·devilmtent. But we shall have a grand work here, I do believe," says one of the sisters appointed. "At two o'clock on the first Sunday afternoon, a force of some thirty men and women arrived from Sunderland, and, with the 'Hallelujah Lassies,' who had charge of the work, stormed the place, getting the theatre half full in the afternoon, and filled at night. At the close eighteen souls came out crying for mercy." As the week went on the work improved daily. Says one of the sisters:- "I preached one night about Zaccheus being up the tree, and I told them that they were up a tree, so eighteen came down that night ancl received Him joyfully. "The next night I preached upon 'Seek the Lord while He may be found,' and they ran out in all di … read more

Consett - Salvation Army

This is the first monthly report from the Salvation Army station here. Here in the midst of a population of miners of the very roughest type, it has please God to give us a triumph perhaps without any equal even in the strange records of the past six months. A closed up theatre was secured for the year at a rental that gave every hope of the expense being met on the spot. In some other cases it seems as though there was no difficulty so sudden and glorious has been a success. Here it was not so. The darkness at first was felt and it was only before patient, unflinching faith and effort, that the great enemy fell. But we leave the sisters' letters to tell the tale:- Things are not so pleasant as I should like them to be. Most of the people here are Irish. We went out … read more

Gateshead - Salvation Army

This is an early monthly report from the Salvation Army station here. FOR a long time we have been looking with longing eyes in the direction of this place, and at last have opened fire with a glorious prospect. Sisters Atkinson and Boyce were sent forward and on the 29th December, The Town Hall, seating some 800, was well filled; there was a good meeting; conviction and seven precious souls. This was a good start. In the Alexandra Hall, which we occupy for weeknights, holding 400, there have been wonderful crowds, wonderful sights and sounds, and scenes of salvation every night. Hundreds unable to get in. Hallelujah! Following telegram from Sister Atkinson did us good at headquarters: - "Crowded house six hours. Must get larger place. Hundreds obliged to leave. God is working. Sinners are weeping - wire back." Immediately we desired enquiries should be made for another place, and accordingly, Brothers Corbridge and Crow have taken the People's Music Hall, seating, we hear, from 800 to 1,000. This will be used by us both Sundays and weekdays. Another sister has been ordered up, and we expect to hear of marvellous doings on that side of the Tyne. Latest.-"Dear Sir,-Anxious for you to know how wonderfully God is working upon th … read more

Banff U. P. Church - James Turner

The U:P. minister of Banff came to see the work, and he has asked me to preach in his church on Monday first—cry to God for that place. I must say I feel unwilling to go to large towns, but this feeling may be from the devil, and if so I must try and conquer it. If the Lord had not saved souls in every place where I have been, I do not think I could have gone to Banff. There is not a day but, I get a call or letter to go to someplace to labour. I will have to go home by-and-bye to attend to my business, and yet I do..not see how I can give up the Master's work for any secular calling. My soul is well—just a little child at the Master's feet. I need great wisdom, and that the Lord is giving me just as I need. Help me to give Him all the glory." On Monday, March 5, … read more


BY THE REV. W. B. BORWICK. IN giving a short account of the work of God here, so far as it has come under my immediate observation, I may simply premise that it began here as elsewhere, with a few devout praying men, who commenced two united daily prayer-meetings. From these two small meetings many other meetings for prayer and exhortation have sprung, and a large measure of blessing has been granted. The following are among the more obvious results: 1. There is a great spirit of Christian union among Christians of different evangelical denominations. Ministers and elders, and others that had never associated together at a throne of grace, have been drawn together into the bonds of Christian love, have prayed together, co-operated, and felt their own souls refreshed, and now yearn more f … read more

Portknockie - James Turner

Then I went to Portknockie. Had a very crowded meeting on Sabbath night, and the Holy Spirit came down with great power on the people. Strong young men were smitten down and became weak as water. This continued till morning, and many souls were saved. Glory be to God! I went to bed for three hours. Called a meeting after breakfast and from three to four hundred people met with me. The power of God came on man, woman, and child, and many found the Saviour. The whisky shops were shut up that day. A man who kept a public-house was convinced of sin, and when the power came on him he made a great noise. I told him he could not be saved unless he gave up selling whisky. 'I give it up,' he cried. Then the Lord saved him and he went home and pulled down his sign. I formed a Temperance Soci … read more

Lady Hill, Elgin - D L Moody

The Elgin Courier devotes two columns to the two days' visit of Messrs Moody and Sankey to that ancient town, where meetings were held with results similar to those which have attended them elsewhere; but nothing is recorded which would be new to our readers. We, therefore, content ourselves with quoting the concluding paragraphs:- "Last evening, 23rd, at seven o'clock, an open-air meeting was held on Ladyhill. The weather was very favourable. Nearly all the shops on the High-street were shut at about seven o'clock. The sun, as he sank to rest in the west, shed his dying glory over the most picturesque scene on the hillside. It was estimated by some that there were between five and six thousand persons present, it being the largest gathering of the kind we ever remember having seen in Elgin. Tempted by the fine evening, all classes of the people turned out, many arriving from all parts of the surrounding districts. At the foot of the hill, a platform was erected, which was occupied by the choir and speakers. The whole hillside for a great distance up and around about was covered with the dense multitude, that presented, with their varied dresses, a most imposing spectacle. On the Market Green, there was also a large number of people. "The meeting having been opened with praise and prayer, Mr Moody spoke for about an hour on the words, "Ye must be born again,' with characteristic earnestness, and graphic description. Several hymns were then sung, after which the meeting was dismissed, it being intimated that another would be held in the parish church, for which there was a great rush. The gates having been opened, the church seats were completely filled in a few minutes. The … read more


God loves to be praised. He demands the glory due to his name. And why does He say by his servant David, "Publish it, publish it; make mention that his name is exalted?" It is because "praise is comely." would have his doings declared among the people, that through the thanksgivings of many praise may redound to God. Dr and Mrs Palmer have been labouring at Walsall about four weeks. Over 300 persons of all grades of society, rich and poor, high and low, young and old, professed to have derived benefit from the meetings. Surely it has been a time of the passing by of the Son of God! The greatest wonder is that so many old people are having a renewed call to … read more

Buckie UP Church - James Turner

James Turner wrote in his diary, "I came to Buckie, and the work was getting quiet. We got up a meeting in the evening, but there did not appear to be much life. Next night we met again, and at first, a little stiffness was felt, but soon the blessing came and the cry for mercy everyone. This was on Saturday night, and the meeting was kept up till about three o'clock on Sabbath morning. A great work of God is getting on there." From 'James Turner or how to reach the masses,' by E McHardie, pages 25/6 Turner encountered more opposition in Buckie than at any other point in all his labours. Someone wrote, "Feb. 15, 1860.-I think it is my duty to acquaint you of the existence among us at present of one of the most wonderful works of God I have ever heard of, so mu … read more

First Presbyterian Church, Belfast - D L Moody

The work of God in Belfast continues to make steady and marked progress. The outward aspect may appear somewhat different, as contrasted with the period of the visit of our beloved American brethren. Then it appeared in a concentrated form  - in our mass meetings - with all the force and fire of a great conflagration. Now it assumes the appearance of many fires, breaking out unexpectedly, and in many places. In our factories, warerooms, workshops, and houses of business, we hear of a very gracious and gradually extending work, causing our hearts to rejoice. Today we held a Conference of ministers upon the work and its progress. It was very delightful to hear from every one of them, without exception, that the demands of the work in his own … read more

Hucknall - Salvation Army

Dear Mr Booth, – very pleased to tell you we had a good day yesterday. Had brother Bates from Leicester and was able to give them a turn at Hucknall. Brother Bates lead in the afternoon, me at night. Had a fall into the Fountain – 25 souls – praise the Lord! There were 1000 people there last night. There is a grand opening. We had a large place offered us for Sunday. Had not time to let you know. Thought I’d better take it. Had it packed to excess and was not half large enough. Captain Clara Green, Bulwell. From, 'The War Cry', January 1880. A brother reports a glorious Sunday. He says, “Captain Dexter marched the Army of 300 soldiers through the town, morning, afternoon and night. In the evening Hallelujah Prayer Meeting, 30 poor sinner … read more

St Margaret's, Whalley Range, Manchester - D L Moody

THE LORD'S WORK IN MANCHESTER FROM REV T H GILL RECTOR OF WHALLEY RANGE I have been requested by the editor of the Christian to contribute a paper respecting the work of Messrs Moody and Sankey in Manchester. I comply with the request willingly; the more so, perhaps, because I was one of those, who before the visit of the American evangelist to our city, had my misgivings about the work. With any and every real work, I have always endeavoured to the best of my ability, to sympathise, and where possible to cooperate. And the question with me concerning this particular work was, is it real! Some declared that it would all prove evanescent; that sudden, spasmodic, and fitful action in the church, is invariably succeeded by langour and deadness. Some decrie … read more


During the past few weeks, the village of Hopeman has been the scene of remarkable religious excitement. Some time ago, district prayer-meetings, on week-nights, had been established in private houses in the village, under the superintendence of office-bearers of the Free Church. Nothing particular occurred at any of these meetings up till the evening of Monday (1st inst.). On that night, at the conclusion of the ordinary services, in the house of Mr Sclater, a fish curer, a hymn was sung; and immediately thereafter, those present, or the greater part of them, felt their minds seriously impressed. Instead of separating as usual, one after another engaged in praise and prayer; and this was kept up without intermission till three o'clock next morning. From this time the excitement incre … read more


Mr Whitlock left our house yesterday for Burwash, after a month's stay, which was reciprocally happy; during which time, another brother was brought to God, the last one that was away from Him. Mr Whitlock declares Ryde to be the worst place he has ever seen; calls it, “Hell's centre;“ it is acknowledged by travellers to be the worst town in England, in proportion to the number of inhabitants. Religion has almost died out, “iniquity, abounded, and the love of many waxed cold.“ The last revival of religion was in the year 1815 to 1818; nearly all are dead, but a few bright stars remain. On the evening of the 4th of May, Mr Whitlock commenced his labours in the Volunteer Drill shed, the largest building in Rye. In his address, he … read more

St Peter's Church - Dundee

God, in the conversion of sinners and edifying of saints, has taken place in this parish and neighbourhood. This work I have observed going on from the very beginning of my ministry in this place in November 1836, and it has continued to the present time; but was much more remarkable in the autumn of 1839, when I was abroad on a mission of inquiry to the Jews, and when my place was occupied by the Rev. W. C. Burns. Previous to my going abroad, and for several months afterwards, the means used were of the ordinary kind. In addition to the services of the Sabbath in the summer of 1837, a meeting was opened in the church on Thursday evenings for prayer, exposition of Scripture, reading accounts of Missions, Revivals of Religion, &c. Sabbath schools were formed, private prayer meeting … read more


We have on several occasions, of late, recorded a greatly revived interest in the Lord's work here. A correspondent, writing on the 14th inst., says: -  With the New Year, God sent a great awakening by the instrumentality of Mr J. E. Taylor and his friends. The churches have been roused, and have come forward to the work with hearts freshly kindled into love to their Master, to each other, and to the perishing souls around. Hundreds who never before would listen to the Gospel have been brought under its influence, and many, many souls have been saved. A few weeks ago when expecting that Mr Taylor would shortly remove to carry on the work elsewhere, the Christian men of the town formed an Association for united effort, both in carrying on Gospel meetings and in watching over and instructing the new converts. The first result of this Association is the establishment of eight cottage services in different parts of the town, conducted by as many bands of four or five Christian men, (most of them young, both as men and as Christians). In order to do its work effectively the Association will have to "arise and build" a good large hall for public services, a few rooms for smaller meetings, and - most important of all - a reading room well-stocked with books of reference for our young brethren to prepare their addresses, &c.; for they propose to extend operations to the neighbouring villages very shortly. "The Christian," March 23rd, 1876. … read more


Among the many places where God's Spirit is working in these last days, Glastonbury may now be named. For two years a few people have been pleading together, week by week, that God would send a revival to this little town. Earnest prayer had gone up so long, and believingly we put our hand to the work, our trust in the living God, our "eyes up to the hills." God could send the people, and we asked it of Him: gradually there came crowds of eager hearers. The evident power of God increased at each service, and, best of all, we saw the conversion of many souls. Gatherings for prayer and praise at noon, though not large, were seasons of deep interest, and many answers were received. Again, the little band … read more

Buckenham - William Haslam

BUCKENHAM FERRY, NEAR Norwich.- It would take more time than I can spare just now, and more space than you can afford, to tell of all, even all we know - and how little can that be compared with what the Lord Himself sees - of his wonderful and gracious work in this neighbourhood. Something, however, I cannot refuse to record in your pages. May it be for the praise of our good and gracious God, and the encouragement of some of the many labourers He is now sending forth into His harvest. We live in eventful and portentous times and men are hurrying on as if they felt that time was very short and felt more and more that souls are precious and more than ever that Jesus is worthy. A dear brother writes to say "Is not this also a sign of th … read more

New Quay Chapel

The first stirrings of the 1904 Welsh Revival were happening in New Quay, a port on the west coast of Wales. The minister at the Calvinistic Methodist chapel in New Quay was Joseph Jenkins. Jenkins was born in 1859 in the Rhondda and was brought up in a devout home. As a teenager he had been caught up by the evangelistic fervour of the Salvation Army. Having been a minister in Caerphilly and Liverpool, he came to New Quay in 1892. By 1903 Jenkins, and his nephew John Thickens who was minister at nearby Aberaeron, were very dissatisfied with the state of the church and their own ministries. They noticed a spiritual decline in the church, with people looking towards the ‘world’ to bring a ‘social Utopia’. In an attempt to reverse the decline, Jenkins and Thickens pro … read more

Blaenannerch Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel

The next in the series of conferences organised by Jenkins was to begin in Blaenannerch, the Wednesday of Joshua’s meetings, and some of the students from Newcastle Emlyn, including Evan Roberts, went there. It was a two-day meeting and Joshua arrived early on the second day. There was a 7.00am service which was closed by Seth Joshua praying ‘Oh Lord do this, and this, and this, and bend us’ Roberts did not hear any of the words except ‘bend us’. On leaving the room he prayed that the Lord would bend them. Joshua was full of expectation as they went to the 9.00am meeting.. Roberts wrote, ‘I felt in going to the meeting that I was compelled to pray. When the meeting commenced many prayed, and I asked the Holy Spirit, “shall I pray now?” &ldquo … read more

Moriah Chapel - Loughor

The meetings continued with some success and the word got around the neighbourhood that the Spirit was stirring. The meeting on Friday was the largest so far with old as well as young and with Baptists and Congregationalists joining the Calvinistic Methodists. The meetings became a topic of conversation with some criticising the new method and some Roberts’ state of mind. The power of the Spirit in the meetings was becoming stronger and the Saturday meeting lasted for over five hours. Sixty confessed Christ at the Sunday meeting and it was here that he taught them the prayer ‘Send the Spirit now, for Jesus Christ’s sake.’ By November 7th, the start of the second week; people in the town were convinced that some irresistible power was gradually taking hold of the pe … read more

Evan Roberts' Home - Loughor

Roberts was born in Loughor, near Swansea, a town of around 2,000 people at the time. He was born on June 8th 1878 in the family home called ‘Island House’. His father, Henry, was a collier. The one book he read was the Bible and he committed much of it to memory; at one time he memorised 174 verses in a week. His mother, Hannah, was a very moral person who was, like her husband, a devout Christian. She came from a large family and she herself had fourteen children, four of whom died early. Roberts was baptised at Moriah Calvinist Methodist (now called Presbyterian) Chapel in Loughor. When Roberts was eleven his father broke his leg and on recovering he could not walk very well, so he needed Roberts to help him with his work in the mine. He was eager to work and by the time he … read more

Hebron Evangelistic Baptist Chapel - Dowlais.

Historian J. Ann Lewis writes that the nightly prayer meetings first began in September 1904 when a group of young men returned from a holiday in New Quay, Cardiganshire where they had encountered the move of the Spirit that had already broken out there at Tabernacle Calvinistic Methodist Chapel. This had begun back in February 1904 after the minister Joseph Jenkins had led the teenage Florrie Evans to the Lord, and she had a week later declared openly her love for Jesus in an evening meeting at the chapel. Ann Lewis writes of these young men from Merthyr: 'They had been touched with spiritual fervour and were on fire for God. On return to their chapels, the church was set alight with the stories of the wonderful things they had seen and heard. There followed a remarkable series of meetings at Hebron led by the pastor, the Rev. W Ceinfryn Thomas. The spiritual fervour spread to Penwern Chapel, Dowlais, and then other places of worship at Dowlais and Penydarren, as a result, by December, substantial increases in membership had occurred.'   From daibach-welldigger - see below. HEBRON, DOWLAIS.  Mr Editor - With your customary kindness, please be prepared to allow a few notes to appear in ‘Y Seren’ concerning the above. This is a joyful period in the history of the above church at present, for there are clear manifestations of the influences of the Holy Ghost among us. It has been like Pentecost in Hebron for 12 weeks, and it still continues to be as glorious.   This is a genuine and lasting revival, such as no one in Hebron has ever seen before, and we pray for it to be continued to the end of our lives, and to spread throughout the country.   The Revival broke out as naturally as the break of the dawn, the source of springs, the pouring of a shower, but it did not come without its signs. The Spirit spoke to us as a chu … read more

Penuel Baptist Chapel, Pencoed - Pen Prysg hill

The story of what happened on Garn Fawr was released to the press in a letter to 'Seren Cymru' published on 30th October 1903. The letter was originally written in Welsh, and what follows is my own approximate translation: PENPRISG RELIGIOUS REVIVAL  Although I do not believe in rushing hurriedly to the press to pass on the news of something as good as religious revival, when it could be better told by others, I can not hold back from telling the story of what happened. I am confident that we will reach our goal of strengthening the faith of the churches concerning what can be the means of bringing about regeneration in a whole area. It began as follows. The church in its normal services seemed totally indifferent and completely ineffective when three or four young brothers … read more

The Bible College of Wales

Until the Llandrindod Conference of 1922, Howells travelled around taking the revival anointing with him. The power of God at the Conference was very great. At a prayer-meeting the question of training the young converts was discussed, and Howells suggested asking the Lord for a training college. While they were at prayer the Lord told him that he was the one that was going to build the college. This meant giving up the one thing that Howells had always wanted to have - a world-wide revival ministry, so it was hard for him to accept. The Howells left for a private visit to America, where they saw the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Seeing the Institute gave Howells a vision to start something similar in Wales. He believed that God would provide the funds. They resigned from the Mission … read more


Llangeitho and Welsh Revivals D. Geraint Jones Wales has been called the land of revivals, and throughout its history has known many periods of blessing. The period between 1735 and 1905 was a time of almost continual blessing, with very few years passing without there being a revival somewhere in Wales, either on the local, regional or national level. There were few places that were so signally blessed during a large part of this period than Llangeitho in Cardiganshire. Revivals under Daniel Rowland During the ministry of Daniel Rowland, from his conversion in 1735 until his death in 1790, there are said to have been about seven periods of powerful revival. Some of these are have been recorded, and we know when they occurred, but concerning others, we have no accounts or do not know … read more

Penuel Baptist Church - Rhos

Saturday, November 19, 1904 The present revival began when Rev. R. B. Jones, Forth, held a mission in Penuel Chapel, (Baptist), Rhos, from November 8 to the 18. Reports about him had been circulating in the district before he came. These told of his self-sacrifice in resigning from a great and wealthy church to go to a small one because, as he believes, the Spirit of God directed him. They also told of his remarkable awakening to the true state of the Church and its weak sickly condition, after weeks of fasting and prayer. These reports also told of the resulting total consecration of his life to the demands of King Jesus. Because of this, expectations had risen high before he came and preparations were well under way for ensuring a successful mission. Perhaps it would not be out of place to give a description of the man. It is enough to say that it is obvious that he is wholly under the leading of the Spirit of God. What else but this accounts for the fact that men and women feel stirrings and convictions they have never experienced before? If he were not a man of God, what could account for the huge crowds that gathered night after night to hear him and for the unprecedented success that resulted from his ministry? Who in all truth but the Spirit of God through him could account for our district having been instantly turned into a prayerful district where midday prayer meetings have become popular services, where men and women leave their occupations to be present? What else could account for a whole congregation unwilling to disperse, for denominations to be completely forgotten, and for everyone to be in too reverent a mood to consider their differences? What else could account for timid men and women not accustomed to praying publicly receiving some invincible boldness at the throne of grace, and for the holy joy that has possessed everyone? Yes, and to what can be … read more

David Morgan's Chapel

A correspondent from Yspytty says:—" We are about to make another attack on the ungodly world, and resolve in the strength of the Lord to persevere and to conquer until there shall not be within our district a single ungodly person. We hope to see the day when Holiness unto the Lord' shall be written over the public-houses, instead of the Lion,' the Bear,' &c., /ix. They have already been the target for our arrows. They are nearly empty from morning until evening, and the landlords are beginning to complain. One of them remarked lately in conversation, ‘This revival occasions me a great loss.' Oh,' said another, this will soon pass away.' What will that avail,' was the reply, ‘when I now lose twelve pounds every month.' A land­ … read more


Beddgelert Revival (1817-22) (see general accounts in DA, pp.125-6; MC i. 269-73; MC ii. 201-2; John Jones, Glan Gwynant in Goleuad Cymru, iii. Ionawr 1823, pp.5-9; Robert Ellis, Ysgoldy in Drys. 1878, pp. 377-81, 411-4 and reprinted in John Owen Jones, Cofiant a Gweithiau y Parch. Robert Ellis, Ysgoldy, Arfon, pp.223-37; Griffith Prichard mss quoted in HMA ii. pp.138-45 and Cymru xix, 1900, pp.23-6; Y Llenor Ionawr 1895, pp.42-50; D.E. Jenkins, Beddgelert: Its Facts, Fairies & Folklore, pp.364-9). ‘The Lord made bare his arm and did mighty acts. The floodgates of heaven opened, and the gracious rain poured down in showers on the dry land. Then the wilderness and the solitary place rejoiced, the desert started to blossom as the rose. To some degree the promise was fulfilled, &l … read more

John Wesley Born Again

This is where John Wesley was born again. The Aldersgate Flame is on the first floor to the right of the entrance to the Museum of London. From among other places it can be reached by escalator from Aldersgate; a walkway crosses to the Museum Site. read more

William Wilberforce meets John Newton

Number 13 was bombed during the war but you can see what it would have been like as No 16 is from the same period. read more

William Wilberforce's Home

Of the seven houses of varying sizes at Old Palace Yard, there are only two left, numbers 6 & 7. I estimate that the front of the house would have been on the grass to the left of the statue of George V and in line with the statue. When Christians protest ungodly Acts of Parliament they are usually allowed to stand around the statue; just where Wilberforce lived for 22 years, protesting the ungodliness of slavery. read more

Richard Baxter's Church

Baxter was speaking regularly at New Street to large numbers, so he decided to build a larger church in Oxendon Street. His next door neighbour was an MP and objected twice to the building in Parliament but he received no support. He only spoke there once because there was much persecution against him and he knew that he would be arrested if he set foot on the premises again. I have not been able to discover exactly where the church was on this street. read more

William Booth first London encounter

Up to this point William’s only concern was the spiritual well-being of the poor, he did not consider that their poverty could influence love, worship and aspiration. He was extraordinarily successful due to the passion and love he had for the people. He had his first meeting in the East End on an old Quaker burial ground in Thomas Street and then in the open air in the Mile End road. At that time William met an Irish prizefighter walking down the street. He stopped to speak with him and something about William’s countenance really impressed him, in fact the next day he was to fight one of the best fighters behind the Blind Beggar pub, but on leaving William he believed it would be his last fight. The man he was fighting had a huge reputation and he was much bigger and stronger … read more

First Tyndale Bibles landed here

Tyndale went into hiding to work on his translation of the New Testament. The Continent was not that safe; Luther had really stirred things up and while some German princes supported his view, some did not, the same can be said of the people. By 1525 the New Testament was ready for publication so he went to a printer in Cologne, but unknown to him an enemy of the Reformation was using the same printer and he found out what Tyndale was doing and informed the authorities. Fortunately, Tyndale found out what had happened and escaped to Worms with his papers and the printing was finished in 1526. The New Testaments were immediately sent secretly to England; they were taken by friends and Hanseatic Merchants who hid them in bales of cloth, barrels of wine etc. Some of the Bibles were lande … read more

George Fox Buried

On 13th November 1690, (I am told that with a callender change, he actually died on 13th January 1691) George Fox died after attending a meeting in Gracechurch Street. He was buried in the Quaker burial ground at Bunhill Fields, London. Fox was a great man, despite all the trials that were put against him he persevered to the end. I think one could use the words of Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7 about Fox, ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.’ How many of us today would carry on while suffering the persecutions he did. His heart and mind were always on the Lord and he achieved much. At the time of his death there were an estimated 50,000 Quakers in this country and many others abroad; this proved to be the zenith of the movement, but … read more

Newgate Prison - Elizabeth Fry

Accounts of Newgate prison are full of the dreadful condition of the prisoners. There were no windows in the prison so the smell of the place was overwhelming. If you did not have money to buy food you had to rely on the inadequate food the prison supplied. Hangings were a frequent occurrence. At that time there were approximately 230 crimes for which the penalty was death; these included forgery from an 1807 law. Cruel punishments were meant to be a deterrent, but the conditions people lived in forced many into crime to stay alive. Gambling, fighting and drunkenness were prevalent among the inmates. One former prisoner wrote, “The prisoner from the moment he enters his dungeon seems to have severed the last link connecting with human nature. His preconceived horror of a prison falls … read more

Elizabeth Fry - Home Earlham Hall

In 1786 the family rented Earlham Hall (now part of the University of East Anglia), a beautiful property just outside Norwich, from the Bacon family, remaining there for five generations. Earlham Hall was built in 1580 and extensively renovated in 1682 and 1761. Catherine enjoyed society, and as a liberal Quaker she was not averse to dancing, drawing and music. She was also not averse to mixing with Unitarians and Roman Catholics. She taught her children from the New Testament, but she allowed them to find their own Christian path. She encouraged them to pray, but advised them never to attempt to pray unless they felt they could give their undivided mind to Him; they should be able to raise to Him their undivided heart and soul in loving adoration. The house was continually teaming with … read more

William Haslam's Vicarage - Baldhu

Haslam had an unexpected visitor early one morning; his name was Billy Bray. You can read about the life of Billy Bray elsewhere on this website, including the story of his visit to Baldhu. Suffice it to say here that this extraordinary little man had been told by God that He would give him every soul on the hill where the church was and Billy had been praying for it for twenty years. He had come to see if everyone there was saved and he picked Haslam up and ran with him around the dining room table, rejoicing all the way. He had come three years earlier but only to find an ‘old Pusey’ (a High Churchman) in the pulpit, but God told him that he had come too early. God finally gave him permission to come late the previous night and so he immediately got dressed and travelled all … read more

Christ Church Lowestoft

After that first memorable week it was decided to widen the influence of the meetings, and so from the second week the afternoon Bible readings were held at Christ Church. The first one filled the Parish Room, the next one filled the church, and so it continued for three weeks, including Easter week, as Dou­glas Brown gave Bible studies on the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. On those memorable afternoons the tramcars were full of people carrying Bibles, and when they reached Old Nelson Street the conductor would call out. 'Get off herefore Christ Church.' Someone said that the addresses were like 'bombshells', their aim was practical and they were directed at the lives of Christians.' Two stand out in the memory of all,' reported Micklewright. ‘T … read more

John Wycliffe's Church

Wycliffe was left alone by Courtenay, possibly because a stroke was considered to have rendered him helpless. However, in the two years before his life was finally curtailed by another stroke on the last day of 1384, Wycliffe wrote a torrent of tracts from his parish of Lutterworth. His thoughts were powerfully summarised in his work ‘Trialogue’, in which truth, falsehood and understanding had a conversation in which great truths were boldly professed. In it he says: “The Church has fallen because she abandoned the Gospel and preferred the laws of the people. Although there should be a hundred Popes in the world at once, and all the friars living should be transformed into cardinals, we must withhold our confidence from them in the matter of faith except so far as their … read more

John Wesley's Holy Club

The Holy Club was a group of Christians, including John and Charles Wesley and George Whitfield who met to form a 'method' to be good Christians. They had a list of things they should do each day; such as visit those in prison, visit the sick etc. It was very much a matter of 'works' as none of them at this time were born again'. This took place in rooms by the chapel. Go through the first quad into the next quad; ahead of you is the chapel and to the right, on the first floor is where the Holy Club met. A blue plaque marks the spot. read more

Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury

Dr Thomas Cranmer was descended from an ancient family and was born in 1489 in the village of Arselacton, in the county of Northampton. After the usual school education he was sent to Cambridge and was chosen fellow Jesus College. Here he married a gentleman's daughter, by which he forfeited his fellowship, and became a reader in Buckingham College, placing his wife at the Dolphin Inn, the landlady of which was a relation of hers, whence arose the idle report that he was an ostler. His lady shortly after dying in childbed; to his credit he was re-chosen a fellow of the college before mentioned. In a few years after, he was promoted to be Divinity Lecturer and appointed one of the examiners over those who were ripe to become Bachelors or Doctors in Divinity. It was h … read more

John Clark, Henry Summner, William Bayley, Goodman

In fact Wolsey was deeply irritated at seeing the college [Christ Church], which he had intended should be “the most glorious in the world,” made the haunt of heresy, and the young men, whom he had so carefully chosen, become distributors of the New Testament. By favouring literature, he had had in view the triumph of the clergy, and literature had, on the contrary, served to the triumph of the gospel. He issued his orders without delay, and the university was filled with terror. John Clark, John Fryth, Henry Sumner, William Betts, Richard Tavener, Richard Cox, Michael Drumm, Godfrey Harman, Thomas Lawney, Radley, and others besides of Cardinal’s College; Udal, Diet, and others of Corpus Christi; Eden and several of his friends of Magdalene; Goodman, William Bayley, Rober … read more


The revival began in December 1949, when Duncan Campbell had daily meetings for three weeks. The revival began here or in Shader. For more information see, ‘Sounds from Heaven, by Colin and Mary Peckham (for details of the 1949-52 revival), published by Christian Focus Publications, p75-7. read more


Alexander Macleod became minister of Uig in 1824. Illiteracy and superstition abounded in Uig at the time. Virtually no one - not even the church elders - understood elemental Christian truths and no one anywhere in the parish was known to conduct family worship. The Sabbath was universally desecrated, and people would sell whisky and tobacco outside the church on both the Lord's Day and weekdays alike. Yet the custom was that as soon as anyone came of age they joined the church. Consequently, there were between 800 and 1,000 on the Communicants Roll. Horrified, Macleod cancelled communion for three consecutive years, causing his name to be maligned throughout the island, not least amongst his ministerial colleagues, He commenced prayer meetings, set up teaching meetings and inaug … read more

Reginald Radcliffe - Albion St Mission Chapel

Reginald Radcliffe arrived in Aberdeen at the same time as the Scottish evangelist, Brownlow North. Neither of them was ordained, so they had to tread carefully with the established churches. Radcliffe began by addressing children, and in this way he was accepted in the churches. He made a point of saying he was doing addresses as opposed to preaching, and he would not normally enter the pulpit. He began speaking to the children at the Albion Street Mission. He was quite happy addressing children only; as he believed that the parents would go into the gallery and therefore hear the word. Radcliffe, ‘set forth the perfect fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ as a Saviour.’ He preached the doctrine of instant salvation for the trusting soul. To begin with he had to keep to the child … read more


One of his students was John Farquharson, who was born in nearby Glen Tilt. On account of his zeal and godliness he had been accepted by Haldane, but after six months' trial he was rejected because his "capacity of learning seemed hardly to warrant his persevering in academic studies." He was sent by the recently-founded Society for the Propagation of the Gospel at Home to Breadalbane "with the view of trying whether he might not be of use as a Scripture reader amongst the poor and uneducated Highlanders." Farquharson, however, was of that type who do not need the imprimatur of any school of the prophets and whose call comes directly from God Himself. His sincerity, zeal, and devotion overcame all obstacles, and he was successful from the first. Years later, Princip … read more

Rhu Parish Church

John Mcleod Campbell was appointed minister in 1825. Nearly the whole of Scotland was Calvinist, so when Campbell started to preach that Christ's death offered salvation to all and not just a select few, he stirred up a lot of controversy.  The area around Rhu was filled with a profoundly irreligious population, yet Campbell's passion and his new teaching stirred them and brought about a revival. 'There was an awakening of religious life there which got its first impulse from the Rhu Kirk. Greenock, Glasgow, Edinburgh thrilled as with the gush of a fresh spring-tide.' (Albury Apostles, 'The story of the body known as the Catholic Apostolic Church', by Rowland A Davenport.) In 1831 he was deposed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for his hereti … read more

Kirk of Shotts

See biography under Kirk of Shotts Revival. I believe that this is a spin-off from the Stewarton Revival, and that is why I have called it a regional revival. The meeting took place in the Graveyard. The church is later than 1630. read more

Kilsyth Parish Church

Click on 1742 Kilsyth Revival to see a report. The old church used to be next to the still existing graveyard, along Howe Road read more

Kilsyth Methodists - Alexander Patrick

In 1834 the Methodists in Kilsyth began to increase and there were 35 members in two classes. A move of God seems to have begun in the Sabbath School. Alexander Patrick visited the school on Saturday evening and one of the boys found Jesus in the meeting. 'On the same evening, two young women were brought before him, with the urgent request that he would lay his hands on their heads and bless them in the name of the Lord... An extraordinary influence, it is said, seemed to accompany the transaction and specially to rest upon the parties chiefly concerned. One of these young women a few days after was made the happy possessor of the joy of present salvation and holds fast her integrity to this hour.  The next day being the last sabbath of February 1835, during the prayer mee … read more

Bangor Abbey - Robert Blair

Robert Blair became priest and deacon here in 1623. John Livingstone wrote the following about him. Mr Robert Blair, born in Irvine, was first a Regent in the College of Glasgow, at which time also he began to preach in public, and was from the beginning zealous for truth and piety. Meanwhile, Mr John Cameron was brought from France, and placed Principal of that University of Glasgow, that he might promote the cause of Episcopacy and ceremonies...so with the Bishop of Glasgow and some others, Mr Blair was forced to leave the College (as a result of a dispute on doctrine). This was about the year 1623. After this, Mr Blair was invited by the Lord Clannybuy, and had a call, and was settled minister at Bangor, in the county of Down, and was indeed a chief instrument in that great work of Go … read more