Menai Bridge - Evan Roberts (1905)

Menai Bridge, Thursday,—To-day the revival meeting was nominally at Menai Bridge, but really at a considerable distance outside the town on a farm on the hillside overlooking the Straits.

Much to his annoyance, a large portion of the crowd rushed across the field to meet Evan Roberts, on his arrival, Miss Roberts—recovered from her temporary indisposition, which had prevented her attendance at recent meetings—soon followed her brother. She was accompanied by Miss Annie Davies.

The missioner was evidently annoyed by an English lady visitor in the crowd who, anxious to get a good look at him, was lifted high above the heads of the crowd by her male companions and from this elevated position turned her opera glasses upon him for some time.

The crowd increased to probably nine or ten thousand, and the pressure was so heavy upon those surrounding the stage that many women were on the point of fainting. The Rev. John Williams, perceiving the danger, promptly intervened. The proceedings were stayed; the crowd directed to fall back, and the pressure relieved. The meeting was again resumed, and the flow of prayer recommenced.

Evan Roberts, having been silent for an hour and a half, got up, and referring to the keen wind blowing across the field advised the crowd to possess their souls in patience. He had required it as much as any of them, and he thanked God for having given him patience to sit there in a meeting which, though exhibiting little hwyl, was, nevertheless, full of grace. Pushing the table in front back, be paced the platform, his face wreathed in smiles. He stood silent for a full minute; every muscle tense. "Now," said he "let us all pray for converts,” and reseating himself, he sat with bowed head.

Hundreds engaged in silent prayer, while the Rev. John Williams tested the meeting, It was found that some hundreds were non-communicants, but none showed any readiness to signify submission. A further test failed to register a single convert. "My friends" cried the Rev. John Williams, "we have witnessed tonight a sight never yet witnessed at our meetings. Not a single soul prepared to yield in submission to Christ, notwithstanding our prayers. It is a test of our faith. Be earnest in prayer.” Again the sound of prayer arose from every part of the field.

Evan Roberts sat with bowed head, silently praying, his sister and Miss Annie Davies quietly but fervently uttering the petition, "O Lord save, O Lord save." A most touching scene ensued, hundreds weeping, hundreds crying, “Lord, save." Now the meeting was again tested, and a number of converts were publicly announced, the crowd breaking out into jubilant song and “Diolch Iddo." Evan Roberts got up, and with smiling face urged the church members to continue untiring in earnest prayer. Further converts were announced, and the meeting closed with triumphant song.

From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 30th June 1905.

Additional Information

I have no idea where the meeting was.

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