Moriah Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Llanbedr (1905)

FROM THE REV. T J. JAMES. Perhaps no one can remember a time when religion has flourished in this neighbourhood as it does now. Religion has never been very low here compared with other similar areas, yet the current revival has transformed everything. Before there was talk of a powerful revival anywhere in the North, there were clear signs that we would not have to wait long for it. Probably every neighbourhood has had the same experience as regards the coming of the revival. It did not come to us all at once, but as if moving slowly, preparing the way, and sending its heat before it as an assurance. There were more people coming to the weekly meetings, and a greater willingness to take part in them. Young people showed more of a desire than previously for the work of religion, and it was easier to get hold of them. Soon the spirit of prayer began to fall on us, and all the ordinary week-day meetings had to give place to the prayer meeting. Our hearts burned within us as we heard the young people communing with God, begging him to strengthen some relative or friend or neighbour so they might come to religion. One cannot even utter our feeling on seeing these people coming one by one, and presenting themselves in tears to the Redeemer and his church. A number of heads of families have come, with the children bursting into tears of joy when they see their fathers embracing faith in the Son of God. More than 30 people have joined us for the first time at the two venues, let alone those the other denominations have accepted. A multitude of them were expected every week throughout the years, and there is good reason to believe that they will, through grace, be really useful in the vineyard of their Lord. Excellent work has also been done in the Branches. If that is possible, the Branch meetings have received more of the shower of grace than anywhere else. For that matter, it is always the Branches that receive the most rain. The prayer meetings at Ty'ndrain and Cwm Nantcol will never be forgotten by those who were present. The population of Cwm Nantcol is not much more than 40, and eight of them have presented themselves to Jesus Christ in recent weeks.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.

Additional Information

ODDIWRTH Y PARCH. T J. JAMES. Feallai nad oes neb yn cofio adeg mwy blodeuog ar grefydd yn y gymydogaeth hon nag a welir ynddi yn awr. Nid oedd crefydd un amser yn isel iawn yma o'n cydmaru ag ardaloedd eraill tebyg, eto i gyd y mae y diwygiad presenol wedi rhoi gwedd newydd ar bob peth. Cyn bod son am ddiwygiad grymus yn unman yn y Gogledd, yr oeddis yn gweled arwyddion amlwg nad oedd raid aros yn hir hebddo. Digon tebyg mai yr un yw profiad pob cymydogaeth gyda golwg ar ddyfodiad yr adfywiad. Nid ar unwaith y daeth atom, and. yr oedd megis yn cerdded yn araf gan barotoi y ffordd, ac yn anfon ei wres fel ernes o'i flaen. Yr oedd mwy yn' dod i'r cyfarfodydd wythnosol, a mwy o barodrwydd i gymeryd rhan ynddynt. Danghosai y bobl ieuainc fwy o awydd i waith crefydd nag a welwyd, ac yr oedd yn haws cael gafael ynddynt. 'Yn fuan dechfeuodd ysbryd gweddi ddisgyn arnom, a bu raid i holl gyfarfodydd arferol yr wythnos roi ffordd i'r cyfarfod gweddi. Yr oedd ein calonau yn llosgi ynom wrth glywed y bobl ieuainc yn dal cymundeb a Duw, ac yn erfyn iddo nerthu rhyw berthynas neu gyfaill neu gymydog iddynt ddod at grefydd. Nis gellir byth draethu ein teimlad wrth weled y rhai hyn yn dod o un i un, ac yn cyflwyno eu hunain yn eu dagrau i'r Gwaredwr ac i'w eglwys. Y mae amryw o benau teuluoedd wedi dod, a'r plant yn tori allan i wylo dagrau llawenydd wrth weled eu tadau yn cofleidio crefydd Mab Duw. Y mae dros 30 wedi dod atom ni o'r newydd yn y ddau Ie, heb son am yr hyn y mae yr enwadau eraill wedi ei dderbyn. Yr oedd lliaws o honynt yn cael eu disgwyl bob wythnos ar hyd y blynyddoedd, ac y mae lle cryf i gredu y byddant, trwy gymorth gras, yn, wir ddfefnyddiol yn ngwinllan eu Harglwydd. Y mae gwaith ardderchog wedi ei wneyd hefyd yn y Canghenau. Os yn bosibl y mae cyfarfodydd y Canghenau wedi bod lawn, mwy o dan y gawod rasol nag unman. O ran hyny y canghenau fydd yn cael fwyaf o'r gwlaw bob amser. Nid a cyfarfodydd gweddio Ty'ndrain a Chwm Nantcol byth yn anghof i'r rhai oedd ynddynt. Nid yw poblogaeth Cwm Nantcol lawer uwchlaw 40ain, ac y mae wyth o'r nifer yna wedi cyflwyno eu hunain i Iesu Grist yr wythnosau hyn.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.

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