Spurgeon first Sermon - Teversham (1850)

Where Spurgeon preached his first sermon at 16 years old.

Shortly after, his father, wanting to give Charles the very best education, sent him to Cambridge to attend a new school there. Whilst there he joined St Andrew's Street Baptist Church. In the following weeks he grew rapidly in Christian knowledge and Spiritual maturity. In actions and words he seemed to be an adult, rather than a sixteen-year-old. There was a preachers' association there, led by James Vintner, which sent out preachers to surrounding villages. Vintner immediately recognised Spurgeon's extraordinary gift of public speaking and wanted him to preach for him, Fearful that Spurgeon would reject the suggestion, he asked him to go to Teversham the following Sunday, "as a young man was to preach there who was not much used to services and very likely would be glad of company" He set out with the young man the following Sunday and on their journey commented that he hoped his companion would feel the presence of God while preaching. The young man said, "he had never preached in his life and could not attempt such a thing." He said, "There would be no sermon unless I delivered one." Spurgeon was surprised, but attracted to the idea. As they walked along, he thought, "Surely I could tell a few cottagers of the sweetness and love of Jesus, for I felt them in my own soul." The people were so blessed by what he said that they insisted he return the following Sunday. From this experience Spurgeon realised that preaching would be his life's work.