New Park Street Chapel - Southwark (1859)

New Park Street. - The Word of God is still quick and powerful; many having been brought to inquire what they must do to be saved. Directed to tbe Lamb of God they found peace and joy in believing, and baptized into his name are now going on their way rejoicing. Several of our reports have been omitted through the illness of the writer.

I now resume them for the present year. On Thursday evening, Jan. 5, sixteen were baptized by Mr Spurgeon; on January 19, - eleven more; on March 1, twenty were immersed, but the administrators on this occasion, were Mr Genders of Wandsworth, and Mr Davis of Greenwich, who are pastors of the churches recently established at those places by Mr Spurgeon's efforts, and which are in a flourishing condition. On March 8, twenty-five were immersed by Mr Spurgeon, among whom was a black brother, an escaped slave, who, with his wife and a goodly company of others, were welcomed into the church; all of whom are travelling the same road, and will, we hope, meet in the same glorious mansions; and though the colour of the skin be different now, will all wear white robes then, having washed them in the blood of the Lamb.

From, "The Baptist Reporter," April 1860, page 123.

On March 31, the ordinance of believers'  baptism was again administered here by our pastor, Mr Spurgeon, when twenty-one persons were immersed upon a profession of their faith in the adorable Son of God.

From, "The Baptist Reporter," May 1859, page 155

New Park Street. -Forty-thee persons have been baptized at the above place, upon a solemn profession of their faith in Christ, since I last reported, viz. :-May 30, fourteen; June 2, twelve; July 4, nine by Mr. Spurgeon, and eight by Mr. Davies. 

From, "The Baptist Reporter," August 1859, page 251

Additional Information

This was Charles Spurgeon's chapel for many years until they moved to the Metropolitan Tabernacle at the Elephant and Castle in 1861. Scores of people were attracted by Spurgeon, but this revival brought so many that the new building needed to be built. The road used to be called New Park Street - I do not know where in the street the chapel was.

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