The village of Carlton, a small place of about six hundred inhabitants, situated on the west border of Bedfordshire, has been the sphere of a remarkable awakening extending over a period of about seventeen months—a true religious Revival, where more than a hundred souls have been born of God. The effect upon the neighbouring villages has been peculiar, and the most disinterested authorities are willing to witness to the altered aspect of the habits of the people. 'Sixty-four were added to the church, by baptism, last year, fifty-four of whom were direct converts from the world; and sixty more have found peace in believing, and have set their feet Zion-ward. It is supposed that above twenty persons were "pricked in their hearts" under one sermon. The signs of a regenerated nature are of a most conclusive character. Most substantial evidence is afforded of the reality of the work. The deep things of God have been truly brought to bear upon them most powerfully. A spirit of union prevails, which seems to realize the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, in a great measure. No instance occurs to my memory, in England, where, within a limited area, so clear and manifest a work has been going on. Impulse has been given to the work of God for miles. In the village of Loverdon, three or four miles distant, there are signs of a Revival, which are cheering the hearts of the Lord's people. Nearly every night for the last three weeks, their prayer-meetings have been crowded; often they have been kept up till a late hour. On Sunday (14th ult), as one of the praying young men was saying a few words by way of exhortation, impressions were made on the hearts of many; one woman has been in distress about her soul since. On Monday (15th), at the evening meeting, the sobbing and sighing of the distressed was more manifest than ever; at eight o'clock it was deemed advisable to dismiss the meeting, but with an invitation for those to stay who preferred; though the place was crowded, only about four left their seats; and at nine they were again dismissed, but many remained till ten for conversation. Never did I see so many persons at one time bathed in tears J. D.
From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume ii, p36.
CARLTON, Beds. -On Sabbath morning, July 4, Mr E. J. Silvertnu administered the ordinance of baptism to nine candidates, in the river Ouse, near Harrold. The service commenced at eight o'clock am, and long before the appointed time numbers of spectators from different quarters lined the banks of the stream. It is supposed that about 1500 persons were present. The scene was very beautiful. On one side the stream was a gentle ascent, allowing the people to rise gradually one above another, and thus obtaining a more commanding and convenient view of the proceedings. On the opposite bank were assembled the minister and candidates, surrounded by the choir of singers. The service commenced by singing, after which the pastor offered prayer, and gave a short address. The congregation then sang that beautiful hymn beginning-
"Jesus, and shall it ever be
a mortal man ashamed of thee?"
during which time the minister entered the water, leading down one of the candidates... The scene was very impressive, and marked attention was paid by the spectators the whole of the time.
From, "The Baptist Reporter," September 1859, page 284.
It is amazing, only a small church and yet 1,500 came to watch the service.
This building is now a private house.