Nottingham - Salvation Army (1879)

Thhis is a monthly report from the Salvation Army station here.

FROM Coventry, Mrs Reynolds found a change. Instead of the dingy old Theatre, in which she began there, she occupies on Sabbaths The Mechanics' Institute, a fine-she was afraid too fine-place, seating perhaps 2,000 people for Sabbath, and a Mission Hall in High Cross Street, during the week.

Great bills, which almost startled Mrs Reynolds herself, announced her coming to open the attack with Happy Eliza; and things looked like a glorious start that first Saturday night. But the Sunday was a poor day, and the second was no better and the third was worse. Not the right sort of people-no roughs, no big• dark blackguards, of whom any number listened breathlessly outside in the great market. Our dear sister was getting discouraged, for, though she had a few souls and found friends here and there, she was seeking and praying and panting for the salvation of these great Nottingham lambs, who were apparently so difficult to get at.

But the darkest part of the night is just before the morning. The turn in the tide has come. Let the following extracts speak for themselves:-

Glad to tell you a still much better day yesterday-at night a good go. Two police to keep the doors. A lot of roughs inside. Best sort yet. It was quite grand. l thought at first we should have a row, but all went well. A great many left first meeting, but I don't care if we can get the sort we want.

After Easter -Glad to tell you we have had a good Easter here. Had meetings morning and afternoon at Mission Hall -it snowed greater part of the day. Great meeting at night in Mechanics'; seven good cases of conversion. Open-air meeting at Radford, Monday morning. Sang through the town to Holiness meeting. Afternoon, all among the Fair. 3.30 to tea -Largest meeting we have had yet; twelve cases. Grand Love-feast on Good Friday. Sixty at seven o'clock prayer-meeting on Sunday morning.

Of last Sunday, which was certainly the best day yet, we hear: - 

Good day, notwithstanding it rained nearly the whole day. Our meetings much more crowded. Many more of the rougher sort. We have had over fifty souls this week; twenty last night. Some very good cases.

 From, 'The Salvationist, May 1879, pages 124-5.

PRAISE the Lord! Nottingham is being shaken by the power of God. Our meetings are crowded every night, and our weeknight hall will hold a thousand. All kinds and classes of sinners have come to the Lord. Many a drunkard has been made happy. Although the enemy has tried to upset us, yet we have bad victory on every side.

One dear man came to our meetings and was afraid there was no salvation for him, but at last sought it with all his heart, and found it. This brother told his own story the other night. He said: "I am a converted thief, or I will say something more: you may call me the converted housebreaker. I have spent ten years of my life in prison; I have served from three days to seven years. I am grieved to my heart to think ten years of my precious life has been spent in such a way. Perhaps there is some of my prison mates here tonight; I often see some of them when I am speaking in the Market, and they know what I say is true; but, thank God! the Salvation Army came and picked me and my wife up, and now we are on our way to heaven."

A great many young men have been laid hold of, who are promising to be useful to the Army someday. We could give you several cases, but I will leave the following to speak for itself.

Two women were standing in the Market as we came along singing. One of them remarked, "Oh, it's only Happy Eliza's gang." "Ah!" said the other, "I thank God, then, that ever Happy Eliza's gang came into Nottingham, for the sake of my two lads, for I used to dread the time for them to come into dinner, for fear they should kill one another with the knives they eat with; but, now, I am thankful to see them come in; my home is like a little heaven."

Yes; mothers, wives, husbands, and children have been made happy. A band of men and women have been raised up who will do and dare for Jesus.

I could fill pages with the stories of our converts, but they must be heard and seen to be believed.

Yours, fighting in the Army,

For future reports see, 'The War Cry', which began January 1880.

Our Holiness meeting on Friday night was a mighty time; great numbers present and great power rested on the gathering.

On Saturday night we met in Red Lion Square in strong force and had one of the mightiest open-air meetings that ever I was in. At 7:45 we had a splendid march through the streets to the Mission Hall, in High Cross Street, 24 rows and eight deep and then followed a red hot "free and easy.“

Sunday morning prayer meeting, strong muster and great power. At 10:30 grand march, 150 strong; also a strong force meeting in the Market Place. There was supposed to be not less than 6,000 people present. We had good order and God blessed the Word spoken. Hallelujah! Afternoon, good time outdoors and inside. At night we met in the big Market Place and held a short meeting, then had another grand march and such a crowd and crash on the streets; I think I never saw the streets lined so thickly; side windows were full and loud hallelujahs rent the air and big blessings filled all our hearts. We arrived at the Mechanics Hall at 6:30, finding a dense mass of people. We had a mighty meeting and 26 poor sinners wept at the feet of Jesus and the blessed Lord set them free and they went home rejoicing in a sin pardoning God.      Captain William Fawcett

From, 'The War Cry', May 1880.


Additional Information

I do not know where the Mechanics Institute was in Milton Road.

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