High Street Methodist Chapel, Maidenhead (1874)

During the past fortnight, tent services of a very blessed character have been held in this town. They were brought to
a close on Monday evening, last by a fellowship meeting, in which Wesleyans, Baptists, Primitive Methodists, together with
the new converts themselves, very sweetly united.

Perhaps a word or two in regard to the circumstances which led to the meetings just now closed maybe not uninteresting
to the readers of THE CHRISTIAN. The week of united prayer at the commencement of the year proved a very gracious
season to the believers in Maidenhead. It brought them into closer and warmer contact and left an earnest longing to know
more of each other, and taste more of the blessedness of true Christian fellowship.

This desire at length found expression in a sort of believers' Conference, which was held at the house of one of our dear
Wesleyan brethren. Here a wish was expressed, echoed by every heart present, that a whole night be spent in united
prayer. The 2nd of June was set apart for this purpose, and at ten p.m. the Lord's people assembled in good numbers in the Wesleyan Chapel and continued in prayer till four in the morning. The Holy Ghost descended on the meeting in very truth. Such earnest pleading, such prolonged wrestling with God, which grew in intensity as the hours rolled by, we had never before experienced.

The night of prayer was followed by united prayer meetings in the different chapels on three successive Tuesdays, in
which we specially pleaded for a blessing on the effort to reach the outsiders, which we had resolved to make. On June 29,
our tent was erected, and the first service held in the evening of the same day. The keynote of all the after-services was then struck. Christ was lifted up, salvation by His Blood was preached and the same blessed theme formed the burden of every address thereafter delivered.

We will not at present attempt to detail results. Many of the careless have been awakened, and not a few, as far as we are able to judge, have been savingly converted to God. With regard to the Lord's people themselves, the services have been blessed in a degree incalculable. Every "ism" has been forgotten. We have been brought sweetly close to the dear Saviour and to each other, and in consequence, have enjoyed a sweetness of fellowship one with another which has indeed proved an antepast of heaven.

J. WILKINS, Baptist Minister, Maidenhead.

"The Christian," July 16th, 1874

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