On the following Sunday evening, he preached with great power at Halifax-place chapel. His subject was the love of God, and on this (to him) most delightful of all topics he dilated in "breathing thoughts" and ''burning words." "I preach in faith" he cried in one part of his discourse, " God will answer prayer and save souls to-night." About twelve persons at the prayer meeting that evening professed to receive the blessing of pardon.
R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p210
"April 8. God is blessedly moving upon the people in various parts of our circuit. More than one hundred and fifty were added to the society the last quarter, and upwards of two hundred and twenty are on trial. In two or three places, the awakening influence of God seems to be general. The people are distressed in their houses without any outward means, doubtless in answer to prayer.
R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p212
In several places it is spring. Hallelujah! At Nottingham souls are saved every week. More than a dozen were saved after Mr Dawson had preached a few weeks ago: and six found peace with God on the morning of the same day in a private house. I have seen some signal work also in the Mansfield and Ilkeston circuits."
R Treffry Life of John Smith p213 At a love-feast in Halifax-place chapel, Nottingham, which Mr Smith. conducted in the month of July 1827, an extraordinary divine influence prevailed. There was much good speaking, and towards the close of the meeting, Mr Jos. Taylor, a local preacher, who has since died in the most triumphant manner, — rose to relate his experience. He said that he had once enjoyed the blessing of entire sanctification, but through unwatchfulness, had in this respect suffered loss. With much feeling he added that he was now earnestly longing and waiting for the restoration of this great privilege. Mr Smith instantly started from his seat in the pulpit and cried, "The cleansing power is on you now!" For a moment he hesitated; — it was but a moment, and he then exclaimed, while the whole of his body quivered with emotion, "It is; I feel it in my heart!" The congregation then united in thanksgiving and prayer; and in a short time, the windows of heaven were opened, and there was a rush of holy influence, such as, by the majority of that vast assembly, was never before experienced. It seemed like a stream of lightning, passing through every spirit. At one time, twenty persons obtained the blessing of perfect love, and rose up rapidly one after another, in an ecstasy of praise, to declare that God had then cleansed their hearts from all sin. R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p261. Mr Smith's health being sufficiently restored to enable him to resume his regular labours as an itinerant preacher, he was appointed in 1829 to the Lincoln circuit, under the superintendence of the Rev. W. Clegg. On the last Sunday which he spent in Nottingham, he preached the anniversary sermons for the Sunday schools, and after the evening service at St. Ann's chapel, upwards of twelve persons obtained peace with God. On the Monday evening he delivered a farewell discourse at Halifax-place chapel. The congregation was very large; and at the prayer meeting which followed, not fewer than twenty entered into the liberty of the children of God." R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p275 January 1830 Smith returned to Nottingham. Mr Smith's labours at Nottingham on this occasion were greatly blessed; and among other cases of his success, there was one meeting which he conducted, in which not less than forty souls obtained the pardon of their sins. In his correspondence, he speaks of the Sabbath which he spent with his Nottingham friends at this time, as a day never to be forgotten.
R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p286.