Feb. 18, 1823.— We admitted on trial last quarter, upwards of two hundred and seventy. We had about the same number of conversions. Many obtained the blessing of entire sanctification. Since the quarter day, we have given nearly a hundred notes of admittance, and we have had about the same number of conversions. The work is likely to go on. The people very generally are getting into action. They look for present blessings in their meetings. Some of the leaders and local preachers are very active and successful I have frequently seen eight or ten saved at a meeting: I think twenty more than thrice, and once at Frome, between thirty and forty.
This blessed work melts me into grateful love to God."R Treffry,s 'Life of John Smith' p192-3
"Oct. 8. The work of entire sanctification is going on in many parts of the circuit, particularly in Frome, We have a number of private bands, and have begun to meet them on the Saturday evenings. We anticipate much good from this. God is giving stability to the work already done. The backsliders are comparatively few. Some that sustained loss during the harvest, are stirring themselves to take hold of God again. There is a blessed spirit of union among the people. Our leaders in Frome are one, and they are prepared to hail a continued revival"Richard Treffry's 'Life of John Smith, p194
http://www.archive.org/details/memoirslifechar00trefgoogLocation unknown.