Chichister - John Smith (1819)

In the month of July, Mr Smith visited Chichester, to assist in the opening of a new chapel, and remained there for several days. His labours in that city were honoured by God. He preached one evening from 1 Peter iii. 13,—"Who is he that will harm you if ye be followers of that which is good?" and had great liberty of speech. During the concluding prayer, the influence of God descended on the congregation in a remarkable manner, and several groaned audibly under the burden of their sins. Mr S. cried out, "Now let your hearts yield!" and began to pray again. He then came down from the pulpit, and Mr Hiley, the resident preacher, continued to plead with God on behalf of the distressed.

Mr S., in his usual way, immediately addressed those individuals who were seeking salvation and exhorted them to trust in Christ for a present deliverance. Arrangements had been made for letting the seats in the chapel, but all other business was forgotten in the urgency of the cries of penitent sinners, and the meeing was protracted to a late hour. Nine persons were ascertained that evening to have been brought into the enjoyment of the pardoning love of God, and many others still remained under deep and painful concern for their souls.

R Treffry's 'Life of John Smith' p117-8

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Location unknown.

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