Maghon (1808)

1808. Similar success attended their labours in Tyrone. Amongst the new places visited here was the house of Mr William Graham, Rawfort, where the local ministers "manifested no concern for the souls of the people, nor had they any regard even for morality." Many came to hear, the house became a regular stopping place of the preachers, Mr and Mrs Graham were converted, and the former was appointed a leader of the class in his own residence, an office that he sustained with much acceptance for nearly half a century.

The good work in the county of Armagh, already referred to, spread greatly during this year. At a protracted field-meeting held at Maghon, near Portadown, it was estimated that not less than five thousand persons were present. Mr Alexander Moore preached, and the Spirit of God was poured out in a remarkable manner. Hundreds were brought into such distress that their cries could, afar, and many of them were enabled to rejoice in God their Saviour. At the close of the service, the people retired to their respective places of abode, singing the praises of God, and carrying in their hearts a leaven of Divine truth, the powerful influence of which was subsequently felt by multitudes. Meetings were then held at Scotch-street, Cockhill, Derryhale, Richhill, and Dawson's Grove, at which there were numerous and glorious displays of Divine power. 'History of Methodism in Ireland' Volume ii, by Crookshank, p313-4.

1858. From the Tanderagee circuit Mr John Thompson writes, "Many and ardent prayers here were offered to God that He would pour upon us the Spirit of grace and of supplication, and the Lord was intreated, so that many sinners became earnest seekers of salvation and were hopefully converted. This blessed work began at Derryanvil, where are many walking in the way of their devoted fathers. Then the revival spread to Derryall and all the country round, where numbers have been brought to the knowledge of the truth, and the truth has made them free. There is a very blessed work going on also at Maghon and Derryhale, and souls are being converted to God. My colleague, brother James Elliott, has been very zealous and active in this good work; and so are many of our leaders, who labour much in holding meetings, sometimes travelling miles to and from them, and not getting home until a late hour. At three services, held on the same night in different places, sixteen persons were brought out of darkness into the light of the Lord." It was estimated that at least one hundred and fifty souls had been converted, the classes were greatly increased, and the congregations became so large that sometimes the houses could not accommodate those who desired to be present.

'History of Methodism in Ireland' Volume iii, by Crookshank, p504.

Additional Information

This church was not built until 1828.

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