Brookeborough Methodist Church (1783)

1771. In the neighbourhood of Brookeborough, a gracious work of awakening commenced, during which societies were formed at Leitrim, Grogey, Lisadearny and other places, and many were able to testify that the Son of man had power on earth to forgive sins.

1783. On this circuit, towards the close of the year a blessed revival commenced in the neighbourhood of Brookeborough. One Sunday morning in November as one of the leaders, James Shearman, narrated his experience in class, a man present, Thomas Bemey, was deeply impressed, and from that time several sought for redemption in the blood of Christ. At the love-feast on the 28th Bemey expressed his determination to serve God before all, and fervently desired an interest in their prayers; and on the following Sunday was filled with peace and joy unspeakable. A profound impression was then made on the minds of many, which proved the beginning of a glorious and long continued revival movement, during which large numbers were led to decide for God. Thus "the wilderness became a fruitful field, and the fruitful field was counted for a forest.”

1819. A quarterly meeting was held in the recently restored chapel at Enniskillen, during which there was such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit as those present had seldom if ever witnessed before. The preachers, Messrs. Olliffe, Edward Johnston, and Edgerton, felt that little remained for them to do, but to stand still and see the salvation of God, while the whole congregation bowed before the Lord, either in self-abasement of spirit, crying aloud for mercy, or in adoring wonder at the goodness of God. Twenty-seven persons professed to having obtained peace and joy in believing. Thus a blessed revival commenced, which soon spread through the adjoining country, including Brookeborough and Irvinestown, and led to the conversions of a large number, many of whom were added to the Primitive as well as the Wesleyan Societies.

1832. At Irvinestown, Ballinamallard, Maguiresbridge, Brookeborough and Clones not only were the audiences very large, but there were blessed tokens of extensive revivals.

The excerpts were taken from 'History of Methodism in Ireland' by Crookshank, Volume I and III.

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