James MacQueen, the minister of the small Baptist Church wrote the following for the Baptist Home Missionary Society for Scotland.
December 1838
'As to the attendance through the station, I could not wish it better; there is a desire to hear, almost in every part. For six weeks back, our congregation has increased greatly. On some Sabbaths, our meeting-house could not contain above one-half of the people, and last Lord's day, not more than Mr of the hearers, so that we had to take to the field. The number of hearers was from 400 to 500; and in the evening, even after dark, many were about the door and windows ...'
This shows that revival came to the Baptists before the more general outpouring in 1842. It took time for this revival to get to the Baptists. Although reports of, in the north of the Island had come to their notice, there was not much happening with them until:
December — 1842 'I never saw the church so lively and zealous as at present. The Lord has enabled me to labour more during the last quarter than I have done any harvest since I came to Skye. The fields were truly white, and no employment hindered the people from attending. I never saw such a general desire to hear in every part of the station, and, indeed, through the whole Island. Four persons were baptised since I last wrote to you. I cannot visit one-half of the places to which I am invited. This awakening commenced in the north of Skye, by means of a Gaelic schoolmaster. It has extended to all the parishes of the Island. Some who are affected prove by their conduct that they have not known the evils of sin, notwithstanding their agitation. There is, however, a wonderful change in the conduct of the people, and much attention is paid to the word of God. Uig has, of an able and faithful minister [Mr A. Ferguson], who left the world in peace and confidence.'
March — 1843 'Ten persons have been baptised and added to us since the beginning of the winter, some are making application, and a saving change appears to have taken place on several in different parts of the station ... As to the revival, things are more moderate. The crying and fainting are dying away in most places, but the desire to hear is the same. The revival has extended to the mainland; in some parishes it is at its height, and the people are carried home in carts.
March -- 1844
'As a church we live in love; since I wrote to you last, six persons have been baptised, and some are making application. The station is truly promising; many appear to know the truth. During the last quarter I have confined my labours to my own station; I could not think of leaving it, seeing the work of the Lord so promising, and the general desire to hear the truth. Last Sabbath being a fine day, I preached in the open field. Nearly a thousand people attended, and in the evening three hundred. After evening service we had a prayer meeting; the house was crowded. Our Sabbath Schools are doing well, and the brethren are very active in promoting the cause of truth. Our dear brother Grant spent fourteen days with us, and we were greatly refreshed by his preaching and conversation.'
From, ‘The Skye Revivals,’ by Steve Taylor, published by New Wine Press, p70-1.
I do not know were the Baptists met.