In the spring of 1845, preaching was introduced to the village of Weston Colville, in Cambridgeshire; and Mr Ford, a member of the Independents at a neighbouring place, allowed the service to be conducted in his house. A dwelling was then rented for the use of the congregation and the newly formed society, and many sinners were therein converted to the Lord. This house becoming too small for the increasing congregation, a commodious chapel was soon afterwards erected and opened for Divine worship in 1847. In March of that year, Mr James Blades; then superintendent of the mission, wrote an encouraging account of the progress of the work of God. He says, "God is opening our way in this country in a remarkable manner, Such a spiritual awakening as we now have, it has not been my happiness to witness since I entered the itinerancy; the country seems under deep religious impressions, 'the fields are white already to harvest!' The clergy have greatly exerted themselves to stop our progress, and to prevent our access to the people; hut the great Head of the church is overruling their opposition to the furtherance of the Gospel." In illustration of this statement it may be added, that two respectable farmers, being constables or church-wardens in neighbouring parishes were sent by their respective clergymen to forbid the preachers conducting services in the open-air. They, however, deemed it best to bear a little for themselves before they carried their directions into practice; and while they listened to the truths delivered in simple language and fervour of spirit, both of them were convinced of sin, and instead of interrupting the preachers, they began to seek salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, and became ardent friends to the rising cause, and liberal supporters of its institutions.
From, 'The History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion from its origin,' by John Petty, 1860, p346-7..
Location unknown.