Coneysthorpe (1825)

Glory~ glory be to Jesus ! he has my heart, all of it.

Praise his name for ever ! he has " sanctified my soul." 0 for more of God-for a filling and letting into God. 0, John, live for God and souls ! Since I came into this circuit, the Lord has given me many souls ; perhaps within the last month I have had 80 souls. In my last round, my first Sunday in Malton, the converts, I think, were past counting ; for the cries of penitents for pardon and that of believers for holiness were so numerous that scarcely anything else could be heard. There likewise on Monday night 14 more, all crying for pardon and holiness. They tumble about like ewes on the floor. It continued through the week, and on the Sunday following at Malton, 6 or 10 professed to find the Lord : I think 2 on Monday night, 1 on Friday night, and 2 on Saturday at Coneysthorpe. On Wednesday 1 got liberty and rejoiced in God her Saviour. Yesterday, at Hovingham, 1 found the Son of David, and many more are wounded. Glory be to God! for he bath done marvellously.

From a letter by Moses Lupton that appeared in "The Autobiography or History of the Life of John Bowes," page 27. 

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