"At the services in Salem (Methodist) Church, York Street, yesterday morning and evening, the work of revival was also witnessed. The Rev. Mr Graham preached appropriate sermons on each occasion, and with blessed results. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he held a prayer meeting in the house of one of the members of the congregation in Hardinge Street; several became convicted, and some of them departed for their homes justified through faith in Jesus. After the evening service, Mr Graham conducted a revival prayer meeting when many were convicted of sin. Benches were placed for the convicted to go forward and kneel at, in order that special prayer might be offered up on their behalf. A large number cast aside all shame and, having left their seats, knelt at the repentance benches. A few of the class leaders advised those, thus under conviction of sin, to direct their minds to the Saviour, and pointed out to them the way in which to obtain mercy.
"Suitable hymns were sung, different laymen present offered up prayer, especially for the convicted, and the result was that some of them, through faith, obtained pardon and left rejoicing in God their Saviour. It was announced that special revival prayer meetings would be held every evening during the present week, in one of the school rooms attached to the church, so that the work, now commenced, may be carried on. "The work of revival is thus going on extensively in Belfast. In some districts of the town the entire inhabitants of not a few of the streets have been up throughout the night engaged in prayer with, and for, each other. Those who hardly ever prayed before are now doing so and a change in their lives, walk and conversation has been affected. Long neglected Bibles are being dusted and carefully read, family; prayer has been commenced in their homes; in short, hundreds are coming real and sincere Christians. The work of God is being helped forward on all sides, prayer meetings are held daily in almost every street, and souls are becoming converted at these services conducted solely by laymen. The deepest interest is taken in the movement by almost all classes, and those who would throw any obstacle in the way of its progress are but a very small minority of the pity."
"The Newsletter" 6th June 1859.
I am not sure where in York street the church was.