Dundonald Presbyterian Church (1859)

Although there was evidence that the good work had com­menced in this district, about the beginning of July last, yet the manifestations of its progress were not generally apparent until two or three weeks since. On Sabbath last (Aug. 21) there was an especial outpouring of the Spirit, and most cheering evidence of its power working in the hearts of those who were present, to the salvation of souls. The Bible-class, which was largely attended, was addressed by a gentleman from Belfast. While he was exhorting them, almost the entire audience were in tears, so deep was the impression made. Some of the number had to be removed afterwards, at the usual evening service in the church, a number of persons, before the close, were stricken down and removed. One of these had previously been remarkable for sin. Others, who were seriously affected, but were able to remain till the con­clusion, were stricken with conviction by the roadside, and some after they had reached home. The pastor of the con­gregation and his friend were engaged, till a late hour of the night, in visiting those who had been spiritually impressed. As they passed from place to place, they found that groups of persons were collected here and there, for religious exercises. From various houses the sounds of praise and prayer were heard ascending, and from others, fervent aspirations for mercy. Never before, perhaps, in Dundonald and its neighbourhood, on a Sabbath evening, was there such a spiritual harvest as on the last, when the Great Husbandman gathered many sheaves into his garner.

From ‘The Revival Newspaper,’ Volume i, p42, Sept 3rd, 1859.

Additional Information

This church was built in 1839, so was likely the venue for the revival meetings.

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