In a report to the Gaelic Schools Society in January 1844, the Rev. Norman MacLeod of Trumisgarry, North Uist, wrote:
'He [Norman Macleod, Skye] had scarcely set his hand to the work when several, especially among the young, became sensibly distressed at his meetings under conviction of sin, and their lost condition. From this as a centre point, the revival has been spreading south and north ... Persons of all ages and sexes are affected, but the majority are within the period called the prime of life. In this parish particularly, numbers of children, from eight to fourteen years of age, are impressed; and it would be an affecting sight to see their parents, as I have more than once seen them, carrying them out of the meeting-house, apparently lifeless with exhaustion and overpowering feelings. Respecting the bodily emotions exhibited by the impressed, I would only observe that they are similar to those of such as were visible subjects of revival lately in Skye, and in several other parts of Scotland, in recent as well as more remote periods. We have every reason to hope that many, besides those visibly impressed, are partakers of the spiritual benefits of his merciful visitation. There is reason to fear, how¬ever, as has often been the case in times past, that numbers of those who now seem promising will fall away; yet the practical effects of the work are highly gratifying, and unquestionably evidence of its heavenly origin. Gross sins in-depth — carnal levities are given up. A deep and general interest is felt and shown In what is important and saving in religion.'
From, ‘The Skye Revivals,’ by Steve Taylor, published by New Wine Press, p48-9.