THE public mind had been prepared for the advent of these honoured servants of Christ by preparatory prayer meetings, extending over a period of three months. God's blessing upon the work had been earnestly sought, and there was a general expectation that the brief labours of the evangelists would be crowned with success. The committee, composed of influential ministers and laymen, had carefully arranged everything for the Mission, under the superintendence of the secretaries, Col. Stevens and Rev John Pitkin, chaplain of Exeter Prison.
The work commenced on Saturday evening, November 25, with an introductory prayer meeting, under the presidency of Rev J. G. Davis, rector of Holy Trinity, Exeter; several Nonconformist ministers took part, and Mr E. W. Bliss, the American evangelist, gave an address on "The Power of the Name of Jesus." The service was attended by over 1,000 persons, and a spirit of earnestness was manifest in those present.
The Mission proper commenced with a service for Christians on Sunday, November 26th at 8 a.m. The morning was dull and damp; in fact, the weather was such as would deter most people from leaving their homes at that early hour. The Victoria Hall was opened an hour and a half before the service began, and long before 8 o'clock, the building was quite full. A choir of Christians had been carefully trained by Mr King as conductor, and Mr T. Wilson as secretary. These were in their places by 7.15, and the interval between the filling of the hall at 8 o'clock was employed in singing hymns, which the large congregation much enjoyed.
After prayer by Rev R. Perkins, Association Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, Mr Sankey, in a clear, resonant voice, broke forth with the hymn, "Do you see the Hebrew captive kneeling? " After more hymns had been sung, and prayer, Mr. Sankey also sang, in beautiful strains, "Nothing but leaves," which had a marked effect upon the audience. Mr Moody gave a stirring address on "The Holy Spirit," saying, "If they gave the Spirit his place, and allowed Him to do his work, there was no doubt as to the success of the Mission."
He also spoke of revival services and said that the life of the Christian Church depended upon the revivals that had taken place during the Christian ages. Even the day of Pentecost was a revival, the greatest that was ever known.
The second service was for women only, and was fixed for 3 p.m.; long before that hour the hall was literally packed. An overflow meeting was held in Providence Chapel, where Messrs Bliss and Sankey officiated. This building was also crammed, and the large crowds waiting about the streets indicated the extraordinary popularity which the evangelists had acquired in this ancient and important city.
The evening meeting was in many respects an imposing sight. Eight o'clock was the time fixed for it to commence, but by six o'clock some hundreds of persons were waiting outside the hall for admission, regardless of the bleak cold wind and threatening showers. By the time the doors were thrown open, the numbers had increased to such an extent that the building was immediately half-filled. By seven o'clock every seat was occupied. The vast assemblage, some 3,000 men, was composed of individuals of all ages. Mr Moody dealt with the subject of repentance, pointing out what repentance is not— and then showing what it is. At the conclusion of the service Mr Moody invited those who wanted to be Christians to go into the inquiry room, and a great number responded to the call.
On Monday a large united prayer meeting was held at noon. Rev W. B. Reed, of Providence Chapel, presided, and Mr E. W. Bliss gave an address, which included a brief history of his early life and conversion. Mr Moody was in the body of the hall during the meeting; towards its close he surprised all present by rising and giving a short and pithy exhortation on the duty of forgiveness, showing how the Church of Christ was suffering from an unforgiving spirit existing in her midst.
The feature of this meeting was the personal testimony which the Chairman gave. He said the meeting of the previous morning warmed his heart, which throughout the whole of the day got warmer and warmer. That morning he was awake before daybreak, awake in more senses than one, and his attention was arrested by a line in Miss Havergal's poem, "Christ, a living, bright reality." Christ had become to him more than before a living, bright reality: In his ministry it had been his privilege to witness the conversions of some persons who had walked in the truth, but he must admit that his ministry had been comparatively unfruitful, and for many years past it had been a source of anxiety to him. But now, he added, he had rest and peace. This personal testimony had a marked effect upon those assembled.
The afternoon meeting was even more numerously attended than those of the previous day. Every corner of the large hall was occupied, and the audience consisted of persons of every rank of life, from the member of Parliament and county magistrate down to the humble artisan or servant. A large number of clergymen and ministers attended. Mr Moody and Mr Sankey seemed to be at their best. Rarely has such a distinguished and important assemblage been gathered together in this city. Mr Moody gave a Bible rending on "Grace, which was listened to with rapt attention.
As soon as the doors were closed for the afternoon meeting, the people began to gather outside for the evening one. The Hall was filled as soon as the doors were opened. At 6 o'clock, an hour and a half before the advertised time, the people began to sing; seeing the condition things, Mr Moody went and began the service. Two overflow meetings were held, one in Providence Chapel, where Mr Bliss and Mr Sankey officiated, and the other in the Free Methodist Chapel, where Mr Thomas, of Bristol, conducted the service. Besides this, some hundreds of persons were unable to obtain admission, and if a third overflow meeting had been held in a church or chapel the building must have been filled, as there was such eagerness to hear the word of God.
The third united prayer meeting was held at noon on Tuesday. Mr Moody conducted. Some 1,400 or 1,600 persons must have been present. Oh, that we constantly had such prayer meetings! I believe they would bring a mighty blessing on the Church of Christ. A number of touching requests for prayer were read by Rev J. Pitkin. Mr Moody gave an exhortation from the 103rd Psalm.
After his address, Mr Moody invited the mothers present to meet him in the inquiry room, to which invitation a great number responded, and while Mr Bliss was conducting the remaining portion of the prayer meeting, Mr Moody was giving some wholesome truth to the mothers, who, on leaving, said they had had the cream.
The afternoon meeting was again attended by an eager concourse of expectant listeners, and they were not disappointed, for Mr Moody's address was soul-stirring. He put the truth in such an acceptable light; his invitation to come to Christ was so earnest; and his loving exhortations were so drawing; that many resolved that afternoon to become Christians. He called the attention of his audience to "Nine New Things" they would have if they were children of God - viz., a new birth, a new name, a new way, a new song, new food, new friends, and in the future they were to have a new body and a new home.
The closing service was held on Tuesday evening. The doors were opened at 5.30, for a 7.30 service, and the Hall was filled in about five minutes. When the doors were closed, there could not have been less than 3,000 persons present, and probably more, for the central passage, which at previous meetings had been kept clear, was at this service filled with extra chairs, so that no one who could be accommodated should be deprived of hearing the evangelist.
After solos by Mr Sankey, Mr Moody prayed for the Divine blessing upon all who had attended the services, the converts, committee, workers, and, as he said, "the dear ministers" who had been present. He was very solemn and impressive in this invocation, and his solemnity continued throughout the service and sermon, which was based upon Genesis vii.1. It was an earnest exhortation for sinners to come to Christ. A number of inquirers went to the inquiry room to meet Mr Moody.
Thus the three days' visit of the evangelists to Exeter came to an end, so far as they personally are concerned, but not as regards results, for these will live on through the Christian ages. Some 700 or 800 persons during the three days passed through the inquiry room, and the majority of them can testify to their acceptance of Christ. In fact, the whole of this ancient city, long famed for ritualistic tendencies, has felt the effects of this revival. Persons in all ranks of life have been influenced for good by the words of these servants of God. They were longing for something which ritualism did not give them, and now they rejoicing in Christ's salvation. Instead of believing in the Church, Mr Moody has taught them to believe in Christ. Mr Moody's influence has reached the clergy as well as the laity, and many who stood off from the movement when it first originated can now bless God that they were permitted to hear his faithful proclamation of the Word.
The permanent results of the Mission will be noticeable in this, that every Christian is asking himself what he can do for Christ. He feels he must be a "witness" of the " power of God," and no doubt by singing, praying, and preaching Christians, the whole of Devonshire, through the Mission, may feel the influence of the Holy Spirit brooding over and quickening the dead souls of men and women, and making them living and active followers of Christ.
"The Christian," 7th December 1882
The Hall no longer exists. It burnt down in 1919.