THE services connected with the Glasgow Orphan Home Mission, under whose auspices Richard Weaver is labouring, were rich in blessing last Sunday. I heard of four different cases of conversion which took place in St. Andrews Hall during the forenoon service, while our brother was discoursing on the words, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"
The Lord has been doing great things in Trinity Free Church this week. On Tuesday night, between forty and fifty anxious persons rose out of their seats in presence of the whole congregation, and went into the inquiry room to be spoken with, and each subsequent evening many did the same. These were nearly all different persons. Others would not go into the rooms but were dealt with in their seats. Some, on the other hand, said, "I have no need to go into the inquiry room, for I have found Christ during the sermon." Such work is very cheering to Christian workers, especially those more immediately connected with the mission.
The afternoon meetings in the Christian Institute have been much enjoyed, especially by the aged, many of whom cannot attend in the evening. At the close it is pleasing to see them come up to Mr Weaver to shake hands in remembrance of former visits to this and other places where God used him in saving their souls.
Many invitations have come to Richard to go and preach the Gospel in various places. In all probability he will return to Scotland, and visit other parts of it in the month of February. Prayer is asked that he may be directed in his future labours for the Lord.
City Orphan Home, Dec. 16.
"The Christian," 22nd December 1881.
The church was at 61 Charlotte Street, close to where the marker is.