"One Lord's day afternoon quite thirty-five years ago, at the Marlborough Rooms, I heard Reginald Radcliffe address a large number of young business-men. He began by saying, ' I will speak for five minutes, and then converse with any who are in soul-anxiety.' He did speak, literally, for five minutes, and with unwonted tenderness and power, on *I am the Door.' Every word seemed to tell. When he finished, the hall was a very ' Bochim,' full of men seeking with many tears the way of salvation. " I have been with him at the same place at early ' before breakfast ' meetings for young men, when the floor of the room seemed literally covered with broken-hearted inquirers; and one had to step among them with holy carefulness, like a surgeon on a battlefield. He gladdened me greatly in those days by calling me his 'chum.' I look back on my fellowship with him in soul-winning, as amongst the choicest memories of my life. Dear Henry Hull and I stood side by side with him in the Marylebone Theatre for many Sunday nights, and saw the arm of the Lord revealed in a wonderful manner.
From, 'Recollections of Reginald Radcliffe' by his wife, page 128/9