After the revival was over in 1828 Evans decided to leave Caerphilly. There were tensions in the church, because for many years the deacons were used to running the church affairs; not having a pastor who liked to control matters. Also, Evans was used to looking after several churches and found it difficult looking after just one congregation; he tended to get frustrated and so he decided to leave. None of the next five pastors stayed for more than four years, so perhaps it was a difficult church.
He was invited to go to the Tabernacle church in Cardiff which was about eight miles away. Having spent time seeking the Lord’s will, Evans decided to go. His relationship with God always came first. Around this time he made his second written covenant with God; the first being made around 1808. Each covenant had thirteen to fifteen points, showing his spiritual humility, love and dependence on the Lord. He came into a difficult situation because the previous pastor had been removed for immorality, but he was still part of the congregation. At this church he was again paid a pittance and found it difficult to make ends meets, but within himself he was happy. A number were added to the church, but the revival that he had been hoping for did not happen. Once again friction came about through his authoritarian leadership. As at Caerphilly, the deacons were used to running things and did not like his interference. These problems as usual drove him to seek the Lord’s face, sometimes many times a day; however things did not improve, so he finally decided to leave. Several of the more godly in the congregation went with him.