Pittington - Thomas Collins (1840)

"Sunday, October 11th. I rose at five to seek the Lord. He drew near to me. He helped me to preach in Durham with liberty and power. We had a great shaking. I felt so strongly for the work of God, that I thought my heart would have broken. The church here has been sadly world-pressed, sluggish, and dull. I was led to declare simply how much I had felt on their behalf, and how much I had tried to raise them. Having done this, I solemnly charged upon them the delay of the revival of God's work. The Word smote. The fire burned. In the prayer-meeting salvation work was done. I look for more. My soul abides in precious satisfying communion with the Triune Jehovah. Adored be His holy name!

"Thursday, October 15th. A blessed revival is in progress at Shotley Bridge. The Lord is affecting sinners at their own firesides. One of our members, a travelling dealer, when on his round that way last week, found that in the cottages, for some miles of his route, he could scarcely get in a word about worsted and small wares, the people were so taken up with talk of Christ and things Divine."

"Saturday, November 7th. I went in the afternoon to Waldridge, that I might be fresh and ready for Pelton Fell on Sunday. I preached a short sermon and held a fellowship meeting after.

“Sunday, November 8th. I rose early and spent an hour in prayer with Thomas Gibbon. After which I took a walk, that I might talk with God alone in the solitude of the Fell. At half-past ten I preached, and at the close of the sermon administered the sacrament. A more gracious communion I have seldom known. The words 'given for thee,' strangely moved my heart and, as I repeated them to each, seemed to thrill the people. There was a general weeping. One was so deeply affected that, if I had not placed the elements in his hand, and then directed his hand to his mouth, he could not have received. In the evening, at Framwell Gate Moor, the Lord was with us again. Four persons obtained peace with God, and one backslider was restored."

Being found so useful, this prefacing the Lord's day by Saturday services soon became common with Mr Collins. Much good came of it. To one blessed meeting of the kind, held at Pittington, on November 21st, seven persons were known to date their salvation.

From ‘The Life of the Rev Thomas Collins, by Samuel Coley, p150-1.


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