Brompton (1821)

On the second Sunday in February the preachers speak of thronging congregations who seem to feel as well as hear. At New Brompton on the following morning, a prayer meeting was held at 6 o'clock, and a love feast in the evening. The house was crowded. About 9 o'clock a man fell on the floor, followed by another who was standing on a seat, and a third quickly followed who fell as if struck down by a blow. Prayer was made for them, and when they had found peace others fell on their knees crying to the Lord to save them. Prayer was continued for the penitents until about 12 o'clock when none appeared to be in great distress. A Prayer meeting was appointed for the next morning at 6 o'clock, but the preacher on the spot was rung up at 4:30. When he got to the chapel he found that the meeting had been kept up through the night; many persons had been greatly blessed, some had found peace with God, and others had entered into the perfect rest of faith. There were many conversions that week in different parts of the mission. In the week following at least 40 other persons professed to find peace or holiness.

The Bible Christians: Their Origin and History (1815-1900) - Page 93.

Additional Information

They met where these houses now stand.